We've been here before. This is where our photoshoot was done. The kids wanted to explore after the shoot but because we weren't dress for hiking we decided to go home but promised ourselves that we will go back, aptly dressed!
I love how this park is in the middle of many housing communities. Even though it is in the middle of the suburbs, once you've reached the top of the hills, you feel so close to nature. I mean look at the view of the valley? I definitely love the different views we see here in Colorado.
Here's the family resting a bit.
Here's me. You see the sweaters hanging on my camera bag? It got warm on us while hiking so me and Maddie took off our sweaters.
There were parts of the hike where the wind was blowing so for the rest of the hike, it was a game of taking off and on with our sweaters.
After the hike, I've told the family that I spotted a Dunkin Donuts shop on our way to the park. We were all planning on having some yummy donuts after our 2 hour hike. We figured we needed to get back the calories we burned up from our hike, right?!
Well when we got to the store it was close and after checking with our GPS, we found out that the nearest Dunkin would be about 9 miles away from where we were. I guess you can blame it on our tired and hungry behinds that we didn't mind driving a bit just so we can get our donut fix!
I'm so excited to know that Dunkin Donuts exist in Colorado. That's something that we didn't have in California.
Mitch eating a glazed donut
Marcus with his chocolate one.
Maddie with her caramel topped donut.
and me....wearing mine!!!
playing peak-a-boo with my donuts was so much fun. Just as fun as eating them.
BTW so we each picked three donuts and Marcus was the only one that was able to eat all of his donuts in one seating. Both Maddie and Mitch got to two and I was only able to eat 1 1/2. I have forgotten how heavy donuts can be in your stomach!
So that's it. We had a great Saturday and I hope you did too.
Till next time,
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