Mitch just bravely tried it on Monday when he took Marcus to wrestling and found out the hard way when he was pulling up our steep driveway and started sliding down sideways and hit his truck, breaking the back headlights.
He was irritated at this and what was my reaction?....a sly smile. I knew it and even told him about it but I guess he needed to find it out by himself. Oh the life we live now in Colorado!
So anyways today I wanna share a small home decor project I made recently with St. Patrick's day in mind...
Shamrock Pinwheels
remember this spot where I had placed a flower topiary last month? Well I've removed that and in it's place made this.
I just took a some pattern papers, preferably double sided ones, cut slits on the corners, folded it to the center and added a brad to hold it. I then added that pinwheel with brad through some Popsicle sticks which I punched a small hole through with my crop-a-dile. and voila, easy peasy pinwheels.
this small container was a recycled packaging container that I covered with pattern paper. For the shamrock design, I punched out three small hearts, adhered them to look like the lucky leaf, stuck a pearl in the middle and scribbled a little stem on the bottom.
and this is where it stands right now. I turned my milk glass container upside down to give the pinwheel a stand since it's kinda short.
So that's it for me on this Thursday morning. Have a great day.
Till next time,
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