It was her first one and she came running to my scrapbook room with tooth in one hand and blood coming out of her mouth. But don't be to gross out because she sure wasn't.
All she cared about was that it finally came out and that the tooth fairy can finally visit our home and leave her a good chuck of change.
Here's some photos of my funny and yet so brave of a child...
I say brave cause she actually pulled her tooth by herself. It was so loose that she was getting annoyed by it and just yanked it out! What a courageous little gal she is.
After we cleaned up her mouth, I noticed that the new tooth have actually sprouted. I think that's why her baby tooth was more wiggly and ready to be plucked out.
She was never more willing to smile for me than at this time.
and true to her word, the tooth fairy came that night, got her tooth and exchanged it with four quarters.
Maddie was definitely a happy girl waking up on Saturday morning.
Till next time,
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