As expected there were a lot of people there. Hey it's free, you can never beat that! But we managed to have a good time. The only thing that was a bummer was the heat! The kids kept on complaining about it while we explored the many plants and flowers they have there. Finally after getting tired of hearing of all the whining, I told them that if they get through the tour without anymore complains that we'll go to McD afterwards for some sundaes. Bribery, mom's greatest asset. *wink*
I take a lot of photos as most of you know so to streamline this post, I made collages of some of them. Here are my favorites...
note: lately I've been very meticulous about my photographs and sad to say that this blog can't get my pictures any bigger than they are now. So if you want to take a closer look at the photos, just click on them and they'll pull up bigger for you. :)
this stone walkway was pretty interesting. They've painstakingly made it so that the pattern was curvy. So cool!

saw lots of flowers and unique plants.
on our way back to the parking lot, we made a detour to another part of the garden which was dubbed as the "kids' section". The kids enjoyed that part tremendously (which kid wouldn't) with a little river they can wade in and a fun bridge to cross. They told me that when we go there again, we need to go to the kid's section first! My kids the bosses!
So that's our field trip for the week. Now off to finish my papercrafty projects.
Till next time,
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