Last Saturday, Mitch had to work. He's assignment was to go to Denver. We decided to tag along with him since we don't really to go Denver that often. In all honesty, the only time we get to go out of the Springs area is if we tag along with him. :)
Anyways we lucked out where he had to work because there was a nice historical park down the street. So while Mitch worked, me and the kids toured the Four mile historical park. Here's some of the photos of that adventure....
We started out with a guided tour inside the main house
There were lots of interesting things we learned inside, unfortunately they didn't allow photos to be taken inside, hence no proof of our fun in there. :)
When the tour was done, we were allowed to roam around the park on our own and the first thing the kid's saw was the chicken coop.
I was surprised how much they thought the "coop" was soooo cool! Maddie kept on coming back to this area during our walk around the park.
Here's the main house in it's full view. There were three owners of the home before it was taken by the city as a historical site. The initial house was just the part on the right (with white wall) then the last owner added on the right side (the one with bricks). The last owners were more affluent that the ones before them so they were able to affort the extension plus their furnishings were a bit more on the luxurious side because at the time of their living in the home, railroads had already spread it's tracks in the west therefore homeowners are able to bring the "east to the west".
my two favorite subjects.

The park was offering rides in this buggy for cheap but I didn't have cash with me so we settled in just taking a peek at it and having a photo op with the horse.

It was a great experience for the kids to see how things work "back in the day". In the park, they had a running well, where the kids pulled on the rope for the bucket to come up and I told them a little about this water pump. It's crazy to think how hard it took people to do simple things like getting water compared to our time now.

love all the fun things I can take photos of around the park.

The park was offering rides in this buggy for cheap but I didn't have cash with me so we settled in just taking a peek at it and having a photo op with the horse.
It was a great experience for the kids to see how things work "back in the day". In the park, they had a running well, where the kids pulled on the rope for the bucket to come up and I told them a little about this water pump. It's crazy to think how hard it took people to do simple things like getting water compared to our time now.
love all the fun things I can take photos of around the park.
they had set up a small barn to look like a blacksmith's shop.

the last owner of the home/ranch built a school in the property so that his kids' and the neighboring farm's kids can have a school closer to home. It sits right next to the main house. Once inside, I showed the kids the little chalkboards and old books they had displayed. Again, another thing to show the big comparison to life 100 years ago to life now.

there were some beautiful flowers right outside the school building, I couldn't resist from taking photos of them....

Here are the kids jus outside of the "bee house" which was the school.
the last owner of the home/ranch built a school in the property so that his kids' and the neighboring farm's kids can have a school closer to home. It sits right next to the main house. Once inside, I showed the kids the little chalkboards and old books they had displayed. Again, another thing to show the big comparison to life 100 years ago to life now.
there were some beautiful flowers right outside the school building, I couldn't resist from taking photos of them....
Here are the kids jus outside of the "bee house" which was the school.
Maddie is standing outside of what used to be the ranch owner's food storage room. Half of the room sits underground, I'm guessing to keep the items inside cooler. They had displays of canned fruit jars and ham hanging on hooks on the ceiling.
The kids' were able to "pan for gold" too! Of course they weren't real gold, just extra shiny rocks but the kids loved the chance to play in the water.
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