Laura said...
Love dressing up in costume...even as an adult!
Please contact me (graceelainetolmanatyahoodotcome) so I can forward your information to Glue Arts. I'm so excited for you...this new glider pro will rock your boat! *wink*
Ok so onto my wishlist. I honestly don't want too much (hahahaha) but what I do want are quite pricey but I believe that if I put it out there and people know that I'm worth it, I *might* just get what I wished for. (((coughing....hubby are you reading this.....coughing))))
Baking is something I'm slowly becoming passionate about. I love how serving my family "sweets" makes my "#1 mama in the world" factor increase a notch everytime. Having a stand mixer where I can make my breads, my fondants and everything in between would just make this process so much more enjoyable. Plus that apple green color is just super fabulous to add in my kitchen.

This baby is DA BOMB! I have stalked so many photography blogs and sites where I've seen this baby in action and I WANT ONE!!! Definitely the priciest in my list but dang! I get all so excited and anxious at the same time everytime I see it!
Riding boots! Leather, short heels and in brown please! I try not to be too concerned about the "in" thing in fashion BUT these boots are calling my name and I can't resist but dream of having my own pair.
So like I said, I'm banking on my wishing star that the good vibes will come my way and I can open up a box with any (or all of them) this Christmas. You are free to pass this along to anyone that you'd think will help me with my cause. *wink*
Till next time,
1 comment:
Oh, I'd like a KitchenAid Mixer system, too! Hope U get one! :)
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