I am taking photos ALL THE TIME lately and I'm loving it. The beauty of photography through a scrapbooker's eye is that you don't just capture the posed shots but more importantly you look at the moment and what emotion you can capture then. I so love that vision and I'm grateful that I have the opportunity to be able to do it EVERYDAY of my life.
One of my brothers came home from a deployment late last week and we were able to see and chat with him on Sunday via Skype. LOVE THAT! I am grateful for living at a time where technology has advanced so much that I can SEE and TALK with family AT REAL TIME even if we are miles apart from each other.
After a whole summer of tending to my garden, I'm slowly reaping the benefits. These are my latest harvests- some spinach, carrots and lots of turnips. Anybody have great recipes or ideas on what to do with turnips? I have ton and they tend to be a bit bitter for my taste so if there's anybody that has ideas on how to make it better tastewise, please oh please share!
and oh how I love this photo! This is how my space has looked in the past, oh month now! Yes I've been scrapbooking/crafting like crazy lately. It doesn't show much in this blog but I have been productive. Most of them have gone out for publication though so I can't share them right now but when I get my projects back, be assured that they'd grace this blog then. :)
So that's my life. Busy but fruitful. And isn't that was fall is all about...."harvesting" a good life?!
Enjoy the weekend.
Till next time,
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