and I started missing him all over again. He's away from us right now working hard. I'm grateful that he's the kind of man that will do everything he can, even work in a totally different field than what he's been used to, just so he can provide for us. Provide for our basic needs- to give us the roof over our heads; the food that we eat and let me drive that "gas guzzler" of a vehicle that I "just had to have!". He is a great man and that's why I miss him more.
and then I came across this photo which was taken back in June during a birthday dinner that we put together for my dad. Looking at this made me a little sad. Not because we are not in this "happy-together" state right now but because our last photo together was taken 3 months ago. How can that happen when I literally pull out the camera every time there's a special moment to capture? I guess this is a lesson for me to take more photos of us together.
These are the times when I'm VERY grateful that "memory preservation" is a BIG part of my life. I can be in tune with things I need to improve on and make it a point to not loose that special memory/memories again.
Till next time,
Oh BTW, did you notice the change in the blog? I thought it needed some revamping and the 3 columns was feeling a bit to cramped to me. I'm loving the "clean roomy" feel of this two column set up. What do you think?
1 comment:
Hi Grace! Yeah, i know how you feel about missing your husband and really appreciating what they do for us! You know my husband took a job in Vegas and he had to move out there and leave us behind. It was only 3 months before school ended and I was able to relocate the whole family to Vegas. I love it here. I am a SAHM now (which i just LOVE),and we are doing very well! Anyway, girl ... Skype your hubby every night! The kids and I felt close to him every night! :)
PS.. love the 2 columns! That is what I have on my blog too!! :)
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