The crowd was definitely in full force today. Not only was it because it was a holiday but also bec. admission during the Labor Day weekend was only a buck. Heck that was what made us decide on being in the middle of all this commotion! I'm telling you right now that if Mitch was with us, he would not have even bothered going in. Just getting a parking space took me 45 minutes. I know if he was the one driving, he would've immediately turned around and got back on the freeway. Don't get me wrong I love him (for eternity) but these are the days when I'm glad I can do this without him. He would've pouted the whole time. *wink*
Anyways we had a great time. Since this was our first time to see the place, we really didn't get to see EVERYTHING. We tried to squeeze all the shopping, eating and getting on the rides we can do in about 5 hours.
If you've been to the fair you know eating is one of the most important thing you need to do. Eating was the first thing on our list and I had a brisket sandwich. I wanted to try the turkey legs but was a little intimidated by how HUGE it was. I knew I could not eat all that leg. Maybe next time and I'll split it with somebody. My sister in law Alleli and I were looking hard to find those fried twinkies but only saw fried Reese's and Snicker bars. I was too scared of a heart attack to attempt to try them.
Then we went to the farm and petting zoo. We saw lots of farm animals like this goat. The ponies were so adorable and I was in awe at how humongous Clydesdale horses are. Huge creatures.
Then the kids got to go on the rides. Oh the fun they had! They didn't want to stop but unfortunately for them Mom's pocket of cash doesn't refill itself so we had to stop when the funds were gone. But this picture totally made me happy. I love how things like this bring so much joy to a kids' face. Just love it!
and then they had a dinosaur show and Marcus was totally loving it. He is sooo into dinosaurs and I think we've borrowed every dino book in the library. He even had to correct me when I thought a Gigantosaurus was a T Rex. I didn't know that T Rex's only have two claws on their hands. Good for me Marcus knew it and he definitely put me in my place. It was kinda cute.
The kids had so much fun at the fair that when it was time to go home,we literally had to drag them out of there. Marcus was crying all the way back to the car.
So that was our Labor Day. Hope yours was a good one.
till next time,
1 comment:
looks like a pretty wonderful day
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