Happy Saturday to all. Ok so there's only about 1 1/2 hour for Saturday but my brain is still in Saturday mode so I'm sticking with that welcome. LOL
Anyways, today was a good day. Not only did the sun shining made my day (we've had a rainy week) but spending time with the family also got me very happy.
Another thing that made my day today is this....

I made this
card a few days ago that was based on their
sketch this week and they were so wonderful to add it to their top 5. How cool is that!
Now onto the "meat" of this post. The other day I thought about my "
29 things I wanna do before I turn 30" list. There's been some things checked off and I just wanted to share the update on it with all of you.
1. to rock/wall climb- still nowhere close to getting this accomplished. For some reason my fear of heights are getting worse. I'm becoming more and more a chicken when it comes to heights.
2. to loose another 10 pounds- not even close. I'm actually in the process of getting back to my weight before the holidays. Gosh I hate holiday pounds!
3. be a featured designer for a major scrapbook company- I have this in my to do list this year.
4. get a professional photographer to take photos of my family- I don't know if this is ever going to happen. I have a very "frugal" hubby and thinks paying a professional to take photos of our family when I have my dslr is unlogical. Men!!!
5. get published 29 times in the magazines -I actually have 32 already published and fortunately there's more to come this year. I feel really blessed about it.
6. finish our kitchen (soon!!!) - totally done and we are loving every bit of work that hubby did to make our kitchen pretty and very inspiring.
7. paint the walls of our front room- not yet but is in the works by spring time.
8. reorganize my bedroom (make it look like an adults' bedroom)- for some reason I have not had the energy nor inspiration to tackle this project. Any suggestions?
9. reorganize my scrapbook albums - done! my problem now.... I need more albums. I have succumbed to putting my pages in boxes cause there were no other place to set them aside for now.
10. Finish one Jane Austen novel.- I have procrastinated on this one too but I really wanna get this checked off.
11. find a big and nice basket to place all my mini albums - got this one done too. I love how my mini's are all in one place and I also love the fact that the kids can easily reach out there and look at their faves. Maddie always picks up the one of her birthday.
12. go to sea world- this one is on the maybe or maybe not list. I'm not too sad if I don't get to do this one.
13. watch a play- mmmmm, another maybe or maybe not!
14. ride on a boat/ship/ferry - I went on a canoe trip in September and I'm counting that in this category since it was a "water vessel". Right?!
15. ride on a plane- don't know if this will happen as well.
16. ride on a train- there is a possibility this will be checked off before July.
17. visit 3 different states- another maybe. Gosh now that I'm updating this list, I'm feeling a little dumb for making such out of reach goals. LOL.
18. ski- another "maybe not". Although there's a lot of snow right now and who knows maybe I'll be able to take a trip up the mountains and actually check this off. *wink*
19. meet five of my scrapbook idols/inspirations- Since I'm not going to CHA, I'm not banking on this to be accomplished.
20. go to a photography class- time is not my friend to get this one done. Although I am proud to say that I'm taking photos solely on manual mode now, thanks to my brother Gary for all of his photography advise.
21. get a new lens for my camera- now this... I am really gearing on getting checked off. I'm even saving money for it, can you believe that?! I have only bought one outfit this month. Now that's progress! Hehehehehe.
22. create a library area/shelf in the house- Somewhat done but not totally accomplished to be checked off.
23. get a shopping spree at a scrapbook store- I wish!!!
24. get back to sewing. Accomplish a simple sewing project. - done and then some. I have sewn baby bibs, decorated baby onesies and even made some pillow covers for my couch throw pillows. I'm really enjoying my sewing machine right now. :)
25. prepare a gourmet meal- will accomplish soon as well. I even have a main dish in mind to do. Remember my
post about Julie and Julia?
26. own an authentic coach purse- Just went to an outlet mall today and was blown away by how much a small coach purse cost. Maybe if I continue to save even after I get my camera lens I might be able to afford this but for now I'm putting this on the maybe not list.
27. do charity work- I have yet to figure out exactly what I will do for this one.
28. recycle more - I did this. I was saving paper towel rolls for Maddie's preschool class, and using a lot of "thrown away" items in my projects.
29. live life with more optimism.- I believe that I'm really, truly trying to do this on a daily basis, but I feel also that I will not be able to fully check this off till July. There's still room to improve on this.
So there you have it. Now off to see which ones I can check off, after all I have only 6 months left!
Till next time,