for me- it was WONDERFUL!!! Full of stuff, lots of going on and didn't get to sleep in at all. But I'm not complaining cause most of my time were spent with family and that's my greatest blessing.
Before I go on to my main topic for this post, I wanna say to my dear friend Cassey.....I hope you won't get mad at me that I saw this movie without you. I still love you my dear friend and I can't wait to go on a flea market date with you one of these days. *smile*
So anyways, on Friday I worked in the morning. Gosh I was so surprised to see all the shoppers that morning. Seriously where's the recession? I can't see it in our mall.
I got home early and our night was free. Mitch asked me what I wanted to do that night and because of some exhaustion, I just said let's just chill at the house. So the wonderful hubby that he is, got pizzas and rented DVD's for us to watch. I let him pick the movies and when he came home from getting the food and the movies he handed me three DVD's. I remarked at why he got three but then I looked at the top movie and it was this......

I seriously screamed!!!!
He knows that I've been stalking the cheap theater for this. I have wanted to watch this movie ever since I saw the trailers of it on TV.
Don't you just love hubbies that get you? *smile*
Anyways so after dinner and getting the kids cleaned up, we cozied up on our bed where, because of p90x, we now have a DVD player in our room and watched the movie.
My take on it- it's a definite chick flick and I LOVED every bit of it. Oh there was this one scene that Julie Child's husband's character blurted the F word which really irritated me cause it's so unlike the era of where the scene took place. But other than that, the movie was right up my alley.
I was amazed at how Meryl Streep turned into Julia Child so remarkably. From the voice, even to the little malnerisms. Just pure amazing!
The thing that I loved most about it is how Julie Powell (Amy Adam's character) resonated to me so much. She was (at that time that she started her cooking project) 29, and looking for more meaning to her life. I too am having that feeling that I'm in the middle of a crossroad in my life. Being 29 and going into the 30's it makes you wonder what you've done so far and what you can still become/amount to in the next decade of your life.
Now, I know my purpose but I loved that I could relate to her need to find a passion and be successful at it. Oh how I love to be able to quit my retail job and be able to pay the bills with scrapbooking checks.
I also love how through her cooking with the Julia Child's book she found that woman inspirational and became somewhat of her imaginary friend. I have that same feeling with Jane Austin. Everytime I think of her novels, I feel like she's one of my friend that's filled with creativity.
Another fun thing is that Julie Powell's project started as a blog. I too have a blog *smile* and maybe this will lead me to become a writer just like she did. Hehehehehehe. Maybe but I doubt it!
And finally I love that these women are taking charge of their lives. Not being happy with the norm and finding their "niche" in this world. I really love that idea! I know we can't have it all at the same time but with determination and lots of support we can achieve our dreams.
And I will end this post with that. If you are looking for a fun chick flick to watch. Give "Julie and Julia" a try. It'll at least make you wanna try to make "Beef Bourguignon".
Have a great day and till next time,
1 comment:
Thats okay ;)
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