I was taking photos of some cards this morning and Marcus wanted to take photos as well. I've forgotten how fun it is to see things through my kids' eyes.
Here's some of Marcus' photos
Even though I don't like to be photographed in such a way, I still consider these one of his good ones. I just got done running around the block, hence the MP3 player in my arm, the towel sticking out of my chest and sweat on my forehead. In our trip, we were eating all sorts of fast and junk food. I needed to get back to my healthy routine and running was the first step.
I love this one because he was doing some sort of staging when he photographed his bunny. I'm not sure if he got that from me or he's just a born photographer, either way I really love it!
Another fave of mine. It shows the time of the day therefore a moment have been preserved and (even though it's out of focus) it shows the Apple Spice cake I made on Saturday. The kids love me baking and cooking. They think I'm the "best" chef in the world. Oh this Mama is really blessed, don't you think?!
and of course in this house where everything HAS to be fair, Maddie got her hands on the camera too and here's my fave shots from her...
this is our refrigerator right now. I usually put the kids' artwork on their but ever since we put our house on the market, we've paired down on all sorts of cluttering and unnecessary items so the refrigerator door have been kept bare for the most part.
another evidence that this house is no longer ours. Our Realtor have us place this in the front room. Just something where potential buyers can get the stats on the house and get her business card, if they so desire. BTW, just an info, the house is already under escrow. It was only on the market for 7 days before we picked a bid.
and finally a picture of her stuff animals. One of my kid's most favorite things in the world! Marcus was even crying when just before we left for our Colorado trip, we told him that he can only take ONE of his build-a-bear bears. He was heartbroken to know that he'll be away from his precious stuff animals.
So that's it for me today.
Oh before I sign off, have you heard that Upsy Daisy Designs are having a design team call? Let me tell you from experience that Nicole and Teri are great people to work for. I love their vision for the company and the paper designs they come out with are getting better and better by the minute. Plus we have the lovely Kim as our DT coordinator, she's always on top of things and is sooo easy to communicate with. Let me tell you with my life in crazy mode lately, I really appreciate working with people that are kind and understanding and everyone in Upsy Daisy are just that!
So if you are looking into trying out for a design team, check out the Upsy Daisy call right now. Goodluck to all.
Till next time,
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