Anyways speaking of school here's my layouts using the August Piggy Tale Academy kit. They're chock full of school themed products. I say grab yours and get a head start on those School themed projects!
Class of 2020
This two page spread was fun to make. Do you see those science test tubes on the lower right page? I thought that paper was so clever.
I love how in this kit, pretty much everything has a hint of school. I feel like I don't need to say anything anymore because the products I used emphasized my theme very well.
When my son graduated preschool, the teacher mentioned that this class will be the high school graduating class of 2020. I thought that was a fun title!
Marcus and Lulu
I played with the tags and rubons in this page. This page is about my son and the class mascot- Lulu.
I added the rubons onto white cardstock and then added the frames over them. I also loved the notebook pattern paper. It was great for my handwritten journaling.
See that backpack? That's from a pattern paper. I told you this kit is way cool for school!
Check out this and other kits from Piggy Tales Academy here.
Till next time,
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