ok so I've really slacked on sharing my "week" in pictures and words. I have been busy, lazy and just not inspired. But I did get it done. So here's the rest.....
WednesdayMaddie and I had these for lunch. I know her plate seemed so bare compared to mine but she really eats a little and I'd rather that she finishes what's on her plate than put too much on there and just be a waste. She's my little cheese lover and this is pretty much what she eats everyday. I made myself a tune sandwich and treated myself with some cream cheese and chutney dip with crackers. Yum!

After picking up Marcus from school, we went to the library. I love the Cerritos Library, lots of great videos, books and cd's to borrow. The kids get to play on the computer at the library too.

I didn't have to work tonight so I was able to experiment a little in the kitchen and made this for dinner. Recipe is

I also had dishwashing duties tonight.
ThursdayBrought Marcus to school and then Maddie and I went to our Mommy and me preschool class. She learned all about the Pilgrims and Indians today. Went home a little earlier than normal cause she started crying during snack time. After we got home, I asked her what was the matter and she said that one of her classmates laughed at her. I'm not sure about it, I didn't see it happen, but it sure did made her feel very sad. She still talks about the girl and what she "allegedly" did up to this day.
Here's a scene at my house after homework's done and I'm trying to get everything set before I have to leave for work.
Kids watching the library videos we got from yesterday. Today's video was Harry and the Purple Crayon.

While I'm making dinner and getting lunches for the next day all prepped. Today's dinner was
foil pack taco chicken. Good stuff.

FridayToday I stayed home and finished up a batch of Christmas cards that was ordered by my Aunt.

Here's my little sweetie pie helping me while I packed up the cards. Notice the "Belle" dress? Yes that's my little princess. There's no day that she doesn't wear her Princess dresses.
Today was a fun day. Spent the whole day here.

Every November, Knott's Berry Farm gives military people both active and retired a chance to get in the park for free. They can also bring another one for free and pay $15 for up to 6 people. It's definitely a great deal for us.
We went with some ex military friends like the Squires family and Ken Castro and his wife. I didn't realize that my camera had only one bar for the battery so I didn't get that much pictures. It didn't even lasted us till noon. I was sad about it but oh well. Here's my family waiting by the front gate of the park.

Mitch and Marcus really does have the "adventure" blood in them. This spinning roller coaster didn't even phased him. He said this was his favorite ride. He rode it twice with daddy.

Here's me and Maddie getting all excited with this kiddie ride. Yup that's me now, just going on on the little, not exciting rides.

I thought this picture was so cute. That's Adelyn Squires in the middle. The kids had lots of fun with the Squires' kids.
SundayToday we went to church. It was our Stake conference and it didn't start till 10 am so I got an extra hour of sleep. Woohoo!

We were doing good with the time and even had a chance to get some photos again that might be used for our Christmas cards

but when we were backing out of our drive way, Mitch accidentally hit a car packed on the street. There was no damage in our car but we sure made a pretty big dent on the other car. We didn't know who's car was it so he had to knock on our neighbor's doors to find out. After two neighbors we still didn't find the owner of the car and we were soooo late for church so we just left a note and headed out. This incident bummed Mitch all day!
After church we went to my parent's house for some great Filipino food and watched Batman and Hellboy 2 on video.
Then at night we went back to the Stake center to attend a recognition activity for the Primary. Marcus got a certificate of participation for reading the Book of Mormon. We didn't finish the actual book but did finish all the BOM story book. We'll plan reading the Book of Mormon again next year and hopefully he'll finish that one before the next recognition night.
So that's it for me. My week has had it's share of events. I can't wait to make a mini album out of this experience.
Have a great day,