1. Still working hard for the family. He spent almost all of November working and working and working some more. Sometimes more than 12 hour shifts a day and we love him dearly for that.
2. Somehow he has found a liking to online shopping but have been unfortunate with it. It seems like everything he gets online is either not working, not complete (as in parts missing) or not quite right! And don't get me started on the shipping costs of his many "purchases"!
3. He is experiencing snow at it's best. His truck even got stuck in snow one time. Aaahhh the beauty of living in Colorado!
4. He has become the expert in ordering fast food. He knows what's the best deals for McD, Taco Bell and Carl's Jr. But I'm sure he misses homecooked meal too. LOL.
1. Went on a short weekend trip to Colorado in the beginning of the month. It was a very quick getaway with some purpose.
2. My knitting projects continue. I have found knitting to be such a stress reliever that I'm constantly in need to knit. This month I was able to make both kids some beenie caps and now I'm working on a purse.
3. Still going to school. I have a strong feeling I wont be able to finish the course since the move is soon but I keep thinking that even though I won't be able to finish it that with all the new knowledge and skills that I've learned that it wasn't a total loss.
4. I started to run again and do some yoga. It's not the most challenging exercises that I can do, I know, but I feel good knowing I'm trying. Now if I can only have that much determination in my eating habits I'd be on my way to loose all that unwanted pounds!
1. This month has been interesting for this young man, he lost his beloved trampoline but have found an addiction to cartoon network channel. Sometimes it's hard to pull him out of watching the tube!
2. He is reading every night. I'm amazed at how much discipline and desire he has to read. Last night after coming home really late from Thanskgiving get together, with his eyes half awake and half asleep he sadly said that we weren't able to read. We made up for it today and I'm so happy that he has found joy in reading.
3. We had his teacher-parent conference on Wednesday and I felt so proud when the teacher said that Marcus is excelling in Math. That there were tests that they had taken in which only two students got a perfect score and my son was one of them. Now can I hope to have an engineer or a scientist for a son? *wink*
4. If there are good things, there are also bad of the things mentioned in his conference is his constant noise making at school. It has become such a nuisance that even the teacher can't concentrate at times. I feel really bad about this and hopefully when we get to Colorado and move to the new school we can get some needed help for him. The idea of maybe he can't control his actions have come up and I'm concerned. We shall see!
1. My little diva. She is constantly irritated by something. Whether it's her shirt sleeves stuck in her jacket sleeve, or that her shoes or socks are annoying her or that we are making her bed the "wrong" way, something is always making her irritated! I'm telling you this girl is sometimes more of a handful that her brother has been to me. But we still love her!
2. She is very loved by her friends. When I was gone for my short trip to Colorado,the kids had to miss a couple of days of school and when we got back, there were a few girls that was shouting Maddie's name even before we got into the gate. Some even gave her a hug and said that they'd missed her. Oh I'm so happy that my dear daughter is friendly and loved by her friends.
3. She is constantly begging for candy. My candy addict child never stops! I guess if I wanted the madness to stop I'd just let her finish her Halloween candy in one swoop but then again I have to pay for the dental trips and then the rationing of candy just makes more logical sense but I'm telling you this girl is crazy when it comes to candy!
4. She's doing good in school. She started reading some easy sight words and I try to encourage her to not be too discouraged if at first she can't remember the sounds or the letters. She can get a bit too perfectionist (now I wonder where she got that?!) so when drawings, letters or any work doesn't look right to her the first time she can get a bit overwhelmed and discouraged. She always wants to get it right the first time!
So that's it. Thanks for stopping by.
Till next time,
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