I was very lucky to have been a "full time stay at home mom" this past 3 days. I say this because as most of you know, I work as a retail associate at nights but somehow they didn't schedule me Tuesday and Thursday so instead of just getting my regular Wednesday night off, I was able to get three in a row! How freaking cool is that!
Ok, ok, ok. You're probably thinking, what's the big deal? Well for this mama that's been missing out on all the night routines, this was a big blessing.
So how did I spend those nights you ask? Well here's some rundown plus all the other happenings around here....
Tuesday- Today was Maddie's first day at preschool. This year would be our last year for Mommy and Me preschool. I'm a little on a fence about this cause I'm excited about the prospect of both kids going to school next year but at the same time a little sad cause Mommy and me preschool has played a major role in the kids' early years that it's kinda hard to know that that phase is almost over.
Here's some pics of Maddie before we headed out to class.
Now that I look at this photo, I should've photoshopped her "ouchie" in the middle of her eyebrows, but then again that's part of the reality that my child is no angel and can't keep herself from playing too hard. Hehehehehehehe.

Her "essentials" for back to school. A new lunch bag, which would never be used this year, but since brother got one, she had to get one too.

and Dora tennis shoes. She was happy to finally wear some comfortable shoes. Her feet has grown over the last 6 months that I held off on buying shoes in the summer so the poor thing had to suffer with toes going over her sandals.

That night I read books to the kids. Dang have I missed this routine! I've missed how the kids can be soooo silent and attentive while I read them a story plus it gives me much pride to hear Marcus read a short book and Maddie recite her abc's and the phonic sounds to them. Aaahhh the little moments that can pass us by if we don't pay attention!
After that, I worked out with Mitch and tried the famous "p90x". That's all Mitch has been talking and thinking about lately and he wanted me to join in. The maker of the system did suggest that you do this system with a partner cause there's more success to it. Being the supportive wife that I am decided to go for it. I'm not sure how much I'd be able to really get out of this since I won't be consistent. After all, next week would be a different schedule at work so I don't know how many nights I can stay home and do this with him. He wanted me to do it during the day but frankly I don't have one hour to spare with all the rest of the things that I have to do.
Then on Wednesday night, after working out and dinner, we took the kids to the cheap theater and watched this....

we've been waiting, "patiently" I might add, for this one to come to the cheap theater. We, especially Marcus, loved the first one so we had to watch this. But since it's pretty pricey to bring the entire family to watch it when it came out, we had to wait. The movie was good. The only disappointing this about this one was that there was things and additions that were not needed that made it hard for us not to cringe and feel bad that our kids were watching this movie. The first one was way cleaner and I believe that if they would've just stuck with the main story and the great graphics, this movie would still be a great one. I hate it when movie people thinks that they have to add bad language and sexual instigations for a flick to sell. How come it's so hard to find plain good "clean" old entertainment now adays?!
Even though that part was disappointing, the whole experience was great. We went to a new
cheap theater over in La Mirada. We paid $8 for all four of us. We brought our own popcorn and water and the theater was much cleaner than the one we used to go to in Norwalk. My fave part of this all is how much we saved! Imagine, if you go to a regular movie theater at night, you can easily pay $10 for ONE person. But in the cheap theater, we were able to take all of our family (4) and still paid $2 less than one person's admission in the regular theater. How cool is that?! Waiting for 3 months to watch a movie is not a big deal for us, so this activity will definitely be repeated again!
Then yesterday (Thursday) Mitch celebrated another birthday! Grandma and Grandpa Tolman took our family to dinner at Mitch's favorite restaurant- Don Jose's and then we went home for cake. Mitch requested BTS cake so that's what I made and then for entertainment, Maddie decided that she'd put on a show for us! I'm telling you this girl is like a walking TV. She got it all- the dancing, singing, jokes and a lot of DRAMA!!!
Here's some pics....
Mitch and his parents

The kids and Mitch with his gift and balloon that we gave him.

our yummy cake..

our entertainer of the night...

ok so I gotta go now, this mommy cinderella has work again tonight and that means hurry, hurry hurry!!!
Till next time,