Lately I've been feeling a little confused as to what I need to focus my attention on. There have been some great opportunities finally taking shape with regards to my personal goals and didn't know if I should take the next step. Take that commitment to sacrificing more.
I've been asked to stay at Charlotte Russe so now I'm a regular "part timer". With everything that I'm learning there I had a small, itty bitty idea that I want to be a manager when time comes. An idea that wasn't laughed at by my current managers who (to my surprise) was willing to show me the ropes right away. With this new goal, I would need to have to work one sunday a month and will have to be more flexible with my schedule. The question now is that- am I willing to make the sacrifice of being away from my family more and bending my personal/spiritual principles?
After some thought and advice seeking conversations with wise people around me (I'm indeed truly blessed) I've come to the conclusion that no success is gonna be "sweet" if there is failure in my home.
As an LDS, I get to visit a few ladies in my church area once a month. Chat with them and how they're doing plus share an inspired message straight from our leaders. Although I am the one sharing the message to the ladies, I feel it is always me who benefits the most from these articles. Such is this month's message, I felt it could've not come at a better time for me.
Here's the link to the entire article/message if you wanna read-
And my favorite part is this quote from Julie B. Beck, Relief Society general president:
“Female roles did not begin on earth, and they do not end here. A woman who treasures motherhood on earth will treasure motherhood in the world to come, and ‘where [her] treasure is, there will [her] heart be also’ (Matthew 6:21).
So to end my kinda corny post, here's me and my "treasures" a few months ago, goofing around with my camera, the self timer and a tripod.
Nothing is BETTER that this!!!
Have a great day,
1 comment:
Love the quote from the Bible, I've stared your post and gonna use the quote someday with a photo of me and my kids.. thanks for the inspiration and love your photos, so lovely.
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