Everyone has a story to tell, here's mine sprinkled with some creative projects along the way.
Thank you for stopping by and I hope you come back again.
Friday, May 30, 2008
ssshhhh this is very private.....
wanna see the latest paper manufacturer out there? they're secrecy is causing such a buzz. There's so new that they don't even have a website yet. I'm talking about "Black Market Society" Papers. But guess what? Coconut Scrapshop got the first dibs on these wonderful paper lines and Jen, the owner, can't wait to share it that there's going to be a private viewing party at the forum for it.
Come join us on June 1st, Sunday 4pm(eastern time) at the message board (www.coconutscrapbooking.com) and catch the first sneek peeks of the wonderful line Black Market has to offer.
You need to be a registered member so sign up now, it doesn't take that long. While you're there, introduce yourself and get your creative self wet with all the challenges and fun chatter we have.
Hope to see some of you "blog" lurkers there. ;)
Have a great day,
Sunday, May 25, 2008
for family viewing
The first one is Maddie. She cracks me up everytime I try to make her say Piano. She always says it as Pinano. LOL
and of course Marcus can't let Maddie have all the fun. He was being a total goof here and when we were replaying the video he was even cracking up about himself.
So there, hope you guys have a fun Memorial day weekend.
more scenic route paper fun
Here's some more I've made with the products
I made this layout to symbolize the lifestyle changes I have now since loosing the excess weight, like drinking lots of water, exercising, being able to fit in a knee high pair of boots (seriously before my calves were too big to zip them up) and being a size 4. Fun stuff!
Hey Bro!
A page I made to remember how sweet my brother George was when he spend a whole day with me while I was at the hospital for some appendix surgery recovery.
and last but hopefully not the least
Mom, the nurturer
I made this page to document how much my mom sacrificed for us when we were growing up. (sorry the pic was bad, I took it at a bad lighting)
My mom was the true symbol of sacrifice. She would do everything to keep food on the table. She has nurtures us physically, emotionally and spiritually.
In fairness to my dad, he worked a lot, that's why we didn't get to see him a lot at home when I was growing up.
Mom had that distinct character to sense what all five of her children needed. she could switch roles at any given time so she can be there for us. She can be the cook who makes our meals, then the teacher helping with homework and then leading us for family prayer and scripture study.
She's set the way for me and my siblings and my one wish is that I'd be half the nurturer she was for my own kids.
thank you for looking,
Celebrate Two minibook
So I slaved all week long to get this done. Well not actually "slaved", yeah that would sound like I didn't like the process. LOL. What I meant was that I spend all my free time getting this done. It's really an easy book to put together. I enjoyed learning a new way to bind boards to make a book. A duct tape sure has many uses. :) If you wanna learn how to make your own book, go to www. creatingkeepsakes.com and go to Erin Lincoln's blog for more details. She took the whole week before NSD to break down the process. I would have to say that the hardest part was to to find the illustration board cause none of my local craft store had it. I finally found it at an art's supply store and they're kinda pricey.
The book is thin but the fold really intrigued me.
And when you open it it has three sides.
Erin's theme was past,present and future. Fun idea but since Maddie's birthday was a three part celebration, I decided to use the minibook for that theme instead.
Close up of each section
I used my 1"circle punch to make the tabs out of some of the scenic route papers then added words that describe that part of the celebration with some making memories tiny alphas.
When you open the flaps, they have pictures and journaling in it. There's five tabs and some have two pictures, others have only one.
The journaling stamp was so easy to incorporate cause I can spread it around the whole project and since there's lines, it makes my handwriting look nice. :)
and here's the front/back part. In Erin's book she used only one pattern paper design. But again the scenic route papers were so fun, I couldn't just pick one design.
So there, hope you got inspired to make a minibook from scratch, get those birthday party pictures scrapbooked or play with some fun scenic route papers.
oh BTW, there's more of the kit instock at SCS store and they're very well priced. Link should be in the left side of my blog. ;)
Have a great day,
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
My Vegas Weekend
To recap the whole weekend is just an enormous task right now but I do want to share pics and a few tidbits of what we experienced.
First off, if you're wondering how I did riding the motorcycle to and from Vegas..... my statement about that- not gonna do that anymore!!! I can't believe I went through longer rides that this one before. Maybe I'm getting old or that I was just insane back then, either way, riding the motorcycle is just not my cup of tea anymore. I'm sure this made Mitch sad, he even bought me a new leather jacket and was willing to custom build me a more comfortable seat but I told him not to bother cause I really don't wanna be on it again. Sorry hon.
We left kinda late on friday morning cause we had to wait for my parents to pick up the kids. Left Norwalk at around 10:45 am and finally arrived at our hotel around 5:30pm. Scouted out the nearest movie theater around us cause we wanted to watch the Narnia movie which opened that day. Saw the movie. Loved it. That story line is soooo good. I can't wait to see the next sequel. We bought this big thing of coke so we can refill it. We refilled it only once so we between Mitch and I, we drank pretty much one full thing of this each. I'm telling you, drinking a huge thing of coke at 9 pm is not a good idea. I was so pumped up with caffeine that I didn't get to sleep that night. My body was totally tired but my brain kept repeating the events of that day. Whoa!!!
Our hotel was walking distance to the Fremont street and got to see the action there on Friday night. They have a big dome shape screen that shows off lights and video clips. It was a pretty awesome sight.
After tossing and turning pretty much the whole entire night, I decided to get up at 3 am and just write in my journal. Woke up Mitch at 5 am and had an early breakfast. Then we rode the bike to Lake Mead, where he was scouting a place for him and the scouts to camp for their canoe trip in the summer.
When we got back from that, we headed straight to the strip, riding the tram so we can get to the hotels faster. Walked a lot on Saturday. In the morning, we were going to buy tickets for a show that night when we got stopped by some guy telling us we can get free tickets to a show plus dinner if we were willing to give 2 hours of our time to listen to a time share presentation. At first we were hesitant but eventually gave in and we were so happy we did. It was a neat experience. We knew that we weren't going to buy the time share but the things they shared was interesting. At times they got really mean to us trying to intimidate us to buy but we didn't budge and at the end still got out free tickets and meal stubs. Here we are waiting for our presentation...
After 2 hours, we walked some more, discovering all the neat hotels they had there. Of course you can't see everything in a few hours but we did see an eye full. My fave hotel was the "Bellagio". That place is just so fancy, I felt like I was in a palace or a really cool villa in Italy. The structures and details they had was awesome.
look at this ceiling made out of glass flowers. so awesome.
the wall panels are so amazing, I got Mitch to take a pic of me with it as a background.
and they had the biggest chocolate fountain in the whole world. Look at this amazing fountain of chocolates. MMMM yummy!!!
Then we headed off to Ceasar's Palace where I just had to take this pic. *wink*
Lots of unique inspiration there. It's an artist's dream to go around Vegas. I loved this club's idea of putting their place's name and using the O and U as sitting area.
and then in the Treasure Island hotel they had this awesome custom made bike. Just amazing all the little details that was put into it.
And then at night, the lights are just awe inspiring.
so that's how we celebrated our 6th year anniversary. :)
have a great day everyone,
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Get it while its hot.......

Love Lingo May Add on kit made by me......
For only $19.99 this is what you'll get:
One 7 Gypsies 4 1/8 x 4 1/4 Ringed, Naked Board Book
Two Bazzill Basics Large Paper Flowers (Hot Pink)
One Bottle of Crystal Stickles by Ranger
One Package (5 florals) of Petaloo Retro Flowers (Hot Pink, Orange, Yellow & Bling)
One Sheet of Pink Paislee Holly Doodle Alphabet Stickers (Chocolate)
One Pink Paislee "Love" Clear Stamp
Six different 12 x 12 Pink Paislee- Office Lingo Papers
Plus Step by Step Instructions so you will feel that I'm just right there taking you through the process of making this adorable book.
Now I know you can't resist.....
check it out here- http://www.coconutscrapbooking.com/scrapbook-kits-florida-products.php
Have a great day,
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
offline this weekend
just wanted to drop by here and let you all know that I'll be gone for the weekend. Going on a weekend trip with hubby to Vegas to celebrate our 6th yr. anniversary. Our first trip without kids in 5 years. So excited. Rest assure that I will be bringing my camera and I will definitely share my adventures with you guys. Oh did I tell you we're going on the motorcycle. Aaaahhh. Haven't done that either in a few years. It will definitely be an ADVENTURE!
So with that said if you need to get a hold of me, well wait till Monday cause I won't be anywhere near the computer. *wink*
Have a great day,
Monday, May 12, 2008
Monday grins and gripes
Ok so Mother's day was great here. Got to go to my Mom's house for lunch and Dinner at my mother-in-law's. Got a book written by Elder Packer from church and truffles from Mom Caryol.
Backing up a little....
Friday night Mitch went on an overnight scout trip so I stayed up a little later and made these for Maddie. I've actually made her a few already but since she didn't have all the colors of the rainbow in her collection I thought of adding to it. hehehehehe.
oh and here she is modeling it for me. She likes to match the bows/ribbons to whatever she's wearing that day. You can say she's been greatly influenced by her mom here. hehehehehehe.
Oh and on Saturday night, my family and I went together to the movies to watch Iron Man. Men that movie was sooo cool! I LOVED IT!
And of course couldn't pass this activity up without some pictures. My brothers were teasing me for bringing my camera to our local theater. Hey haven't they realized by now what kind of scrapping sister they have? LOL
Here's me with Alelli. My brother George's girlfriend.
Gary, Mom and a blurry Marcus. (George was taking these shots)
The princess of the show- Maddie.
And of course Mother's day won't be complete without flowers. Here's from all three of the kids that they made in their respective classes. The big pot from Marcus, the one in front from Amanda and Maddie's the purple one. Fun stuff. Now I can transfer them in my front flower bed.
So those are the good stuff. Now for the gripes.... it's Monday and I should start the week off on a good note right? Well there's certain things that are irritating the crap out of me today....
first off- Marcus is going to be in kindergarten in the fall and I'm trying to get him in a diff. school district than ours right now. I got in the school that I wanted and tried to apply for a permit from my district allowing him to enroll in that school. Now I was only given a two week window from my school of choice to get all the papers done before they give my spot to somebody else. As soon as I got the letter I went straight to my district's office and applied for the said permit. They told me it's going to take a week to get it reviewed. I go there friday and they said it hasn't been reviewed yet. I call today and guess what- they DENIED ME!!! Totally irritating. Not only did they deny me but they wasted a whole freaking week before they rejected my request for the permit. How stinking cruel is that!!! So I call the district that I wanted to get in and ask them if they can extend my window and thankfully they did but now I have to appeal my case again to my district which right now makes me really furious. I mean c'mon. Where's the "freedom" that I thought we had in this country. Clearly you cannot just take your kid to whatever school you want. Now why am I paying taxes again??? GRRRRRRR
And to make matters worst, here's an evidence that I'm going to loose my green beans soon. Another gofer dirt track by the beans. AAAAHHHH. I called Mitch this morning and told him that I've given up this year. I'm not going to bother planting anymore this season until we get that gofer issue resolved (meaning gofer killed!) There's just no point in me planting and taking care of the vegetable if it's not even going to come full term and bear fruit. I'm telling you I HATE GOFERS!!!
Ok so that's it for me right now. Gripe and all!!!
Hope you have a better day than I have,
Friday, May 9, 2008
links, links, links
Looking for some mini album inspiration? I just finished a week long mini album showcase at Scrapwords.com. Check it out here- http://www.scrapwords.com/index.php?option=com_myblog&Itemid=141&task=userblog&osCsid=0049fa315c713a996c4cad242247341
I posted five different kinds and if your feeling inspired and challenged join me for my minialbum medium challenge at the forum.
SoCalScrap has some pretty fun events coming up.....
for our local scrappers we have a monthly crop free of charge in Orange. This month it will be on May 17. There will also be a class held that day. For more info check out the site here- http://www.socalscrap.us/forums/.
Looking for some fun freebies? Check out the blog here- http://socalscrap.blogspot.com/. Clue- the prize is a really cool stamp set.
Coconut Scrapshop has some fun new products available at the store. Teresa Collins' new line, Sassafrass lass and Creative Imaginations to name a few. Plus if you're into vintage, hip and chic styles the CCS May kit is for you.Check out all the latest news on Jen's blog- http://coconutscrapbooking.com/scrapbooking-blog.php
Have a great weekend everyone,
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Latest minibook
ok so first off this is gonna be a loooonnnnggg post.
Over at Scrapwords the theme for this month is minibooks. when I learned about it I was pretty stoked. This is right up my alley. I got a pack of the "love,me" minialbum kit which is available at the store right now and here's what I made with it........
The theme of the minibook was "love,me" and even though the easier topic to do was enumerate my loves I thought of doing something different. I'm very grateful for living at a time that there's a lot of inventions and technology progress that makes our lives easier. Makes our jobs as mom a little lighter to bear. So I came up with this book...
This Modern Mom's Survival items......
this is the first page inside the book
"I’ve often heard the remark that women in the 21st century have it easy. They say we don’t have to work as hard like our 19th century counterparts. Everything is done with a push of a button, a turn of the knob, meals in a box and so on and so forth. In some levels I disagree, but I am aware and very grateful for the little innovations and small things that make my life as a modern mom easier to bear."
More inside pages...
My kids call this “milk with magic”. I don’t think I could’ve made my kids drink their milks without this. Up to this day both Marcus and Maddie has a habit of drinking 2 full cups of strawberry milk a day.
Reclosable bags
These are God sent. You can put anything and everything here, from snacks to crayons to little toys. And the best part- they’re reclosable. No mess, no fuss, no worries.
Sippy cups and straws
No spill, colorful, non-breakable cups are synonymous to kids. They just go together very well. Mom’s very happy to not worry about spills and breakage as well.
PBS channel
How can I ever live without this great channel? I can probably tell you off the bat the shows and times they are on. We tune in to this channel every single day. Love the variety of good and educational cartoons that are kid friendly and mother approved shown here.
Libraries are my best friends. I get my videos, children books and even magazines for inspiration hunting at these wonderful places. The best part- everything is free!
Kids’ meal
Nowadays kids’ meals are also offered with “healthy” options. My kids love the apple with caramel sauce and getting a surprise toy at the end always makes them eager to finish their meals in a flash.
Celphone Earpiece
When I need to make an important phone call or even to just chatter away with a friend, I can always count on my ear piece to help me out. I get to chat but at the same time I have both hands free to multi task.
Mommy and Me Preschool
Seeing your child develop with your own eyes is such a blessing. Here I get to see first hand what my child needs to get ready for school, at the same time spend quality learning time with them.
Imagine carrying a 45 and 20 pound kids on your back! I can’t and would not want to. That’s why I’m very grateful for strollers. With a push and sometimes a pull, I can take my kids to places with ease for both them and me.
Who will remember what their son liked to eat for breakfast when he was 3 years old? Or what kinds of first words their one year old daughter liked to say? I can, because of the great power of scrapbooks. Everything in our life is documented and preserved for future viewing and “blackmailing”.
So to those that think we got it easy and that society have made us spoiled- that’s not the case here. We’re just smart enough to not make it hard for ourselves! Mom 2008
And more pics....
ok so onto things that I wanted to mention about this book...
1. the products in the kit rocked! they were the fun Love Elsie line that was perfect fit for the "modern" look.
2. Since I was making an entire book I had to make sure I spread the products all over the book for balance so I punched circles out of the pattern papers to make it all even and used just a few letters from the rubon for each of my item titles
3. The book had a lot of pages in it but I felt they were not sturdy enough to hold everything I wanted this book to have, so I glued two pages together to make one inside page.
4. To start this project I really had to sit down and make my list. I wanted it to be unique to me so I went with the "little" things. I went with the things that my family really use routinely.
So there you have it. Thank you for going through this post till the end. Hope this inspires you to make something that showcase how you are living right now.
and grab one of these kits, they're really fun to play with. :)
Have a great day,Grace