Yep that's exactly how I'm feeling right now. I'm sure I'm not alone on this, especially during this time of the year, right?! echo....echo....echo..
Anyways, I wanna give you a heads up that I might not be popping in here as much for the next two weeks. I'll try but I'm not promising anything.
Work is getting to be longer and later (last year I was coming home from work at about 1am on the last week before Christmas); I have a wedding reception to pull together on Saturday; I have a board meeting to plan and execute plus prepare two crafts for my church's children group; I'm working to mail off my first batch of Christmas cards; Presents need to be bought and handmade gifts to make (yes, I'm that insane that I'm still thinking of handmade at this point) and cookies to be baked.
So if you pop in here and it's the same old thing for a couple of weeks, I apologize and know that if I have the power to stop time, I would do it in a heartbeat.
But before I go away and dive into the many projects that I need to do here's a few things I wanna link you up to....

the December Crazy Daisy kit is up and ready to be shipped. I got mine in the mail last week and I have to tell you, it's cheering me up just looking at all the fun Christmas themed products in it. Not too mention the wonderful minibook that came in the main kit. I can't wait to play with this kit. If you want one, check it out here.
One of the projects that I showed a sneek peek of in the last post have been posted in the GCD Studios blog. Here's the link to see what my process was in making this craft. This is definitely one of my most favorite projects. It's easy, fun and inexpensive.

Upsy Daisy designs is having some great deals like this one on the site. Check it out. I am fortunate to have these lines and I love, love, love them. Truly brings the spirit of the Holidays in every projects that I make.
So that's it. Now off to check off some stuff on my list....
Merry Christmas everyone and till next time,
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