I really can't recall any week that has been this insanely packed with activities. There were both good and bad things that happen and here's the rundown....
Monday (14)- It was my b-day. But before I could celebrate, I had to clean the house (monday is of course my cleaning day) and then took Marcus to the dentist. He's going to Kindergarten in the fall and we need to get things in order for him. I was very amazed at how calm he was at the dentist. I really though that bec. it's a new place/experience that he would freak out but he was very calm. I was so relieved! But the bad news- he has 4 cavities already! How did that happen? Needless to say, we will be returning to the dentist soon.
So after taking him to the dentist, I got a little break. Mitch took me out to lunch while Amanda watched the kids. We ate at Chili's. Had a skillet fajita and a shooter dessert. Cheesecake, mmmm, my fave!
Then that night I went to my school district's board meeting and presented my appeal on getting the permit so Marcus can go to another district I want him to go to. Unfortunately the result was not what I was hoping for. They shot me down. The vote was 3-2! So upset and heartbroken by all of it that I broke down that night, crying with anger! Yup, out of all the days of the year, I was very sad at my birthday. Oh well! We are still going to fight this. We have one more shot and that is with the County board. Please pray for us! We need all the good vibes we can get. :)
Tuesday (15) I went to the ribbon store, walmart and staples in the morning trying to get materials ready for my card workshop on friday. I was also commisioned to do an order of 100 baptism invitations which I'm still plugging away with right now. That night I had work.
Wednesday (16) Costco, Food 4 less and Library was in the agenda. Worked that night as well. And then when I got home, I had to wrap Marcus' gift and frost his cake so I didn't have to do it in the morning. Didn't go to bed till after midnight.
Thursday (17) It's Marcus' 5th bday today. Went to my inlaws house for a little swim party with a few of his friends. He had fun and got a lot of fun "boy" gifts. It was a great assortment of his fave super hero/action figure characters. He wanted me to make him a ninja turtle cake cause I did a spiderman last year. I was totally clueless on how I was going to pull it off so instead I made him a green cake and then added candies on it. He loved it! Whew! Worked this night as well.
Friday (18) Got more errands to do today. Finished prepping for my card workshop and made some bows to give to our dear friend Danica who was having a birthday party the following day. That night I did my workshop. It turned out ok. I felt I was unprepared though. Forgot a lot of stuff. That's what happens when I don't write up a packing list! grrrr!
Saturday (19) Had a princess party to attend in the morning with Maddie. Made choco chip cookies to take to the Tolman's family BBQ and spend the whole afternoon with the Tolman clan in Chino Hills. It was all good but of course tiring!
and then we come to today Sunday(20). Finally a day of rest! Literally!!! I felt like I haven't taken a breather since last Sunday. I'm glad this week is over but unfortunately there's more to come this week. Heck I'm still not done with the 100 invites. yikes and its due on Wednesday! So I better end here (not like this hasn't been long enough) and go back to working.
Have a great week,
Oh BTW alot of you asked me if I got any on my wishlist, I didn't and probably won't but it's not a bad thing. I'm getting some of it but not exactly the ones I listed. Will let you know what I will end up purchasing. *wink*
oh and to be fair with my kids, here's a pic of Maddie at the Dentist office. Can't have a post without her in it too, right?!
1 comment:
You take such great candids of your kids! They'll have some great photos of themselves later and I'm sure that you have fun doing it too!
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