This update is a little bit late since I'm posting it after the month is over but I have finals this week and the kids have been passing an awful cough and cold onto each other that this mama just barely has time to take a deep breath.
So onto this past month's highlights....
They say the family that shares with one another, stays together. Well my kids took that in a totally different context this month. Maddie started it early this month. We got the call from school that she had high fever and was complaining of sore throat. The same symptoms she had when she had strep in February. Luckily after being seen by the doctor that same day, she didn't. But whatever "virus" she had passed onto Marcus and then to Mason and back to her. We are crossing our fingers that it will soon pass out of our home and we will be done with all of these. My poor babies have had a rough month.

Here are some other random things that I was able to capture this month with my phone's camera. From top left- 1. Maddie at the doctor's office where we thought it was strep again (thankfully it was not) 2. I was able to make some homemade yogurt this month and we ate it with some strawberry jelly. Yummy! 3 and 4- Maddie and I went to church one Sunday looking somewhat like twins with our curled hair. 5. We have been having great sunny weather so our Sunday walks are back in the schedule. 6. Thank goodness for ideas from The Friend magazine, we are able to talk about important gospel principles in a way the children can better understand it. This is a picture of our "forgiveness blocks" that is supposed to be a strong foundation for our home. 7. I got my last wisdom tooth extracted early this month and it was painful! The silver lining was being able to eat ice cream for lunch right after the dental visit. 8. Mother nature seems to always surprise us around here. We got a little blizzard in the middle of Spring break. It was a quick cold snap and melted the very next day.

Also this month the Activity day girls in our ward had a talent show. Maddie initially wanted to sing Taylor Swift's "Blank Space" but even she thought that was a bit of a daunting task (memorizing the lyrics, getting the tune right, etc) Luckily I was able to encourage her to show off some of her piano playing skills instead. She played three songs that she knew well plus displayed some of the earrings she had made.
Marcus has been progressing in Scouts this month. I don't have pictures to show but he participated in his first "freeze-o-ree" camp out at the end of February. They didn't end up doing the camp out part because it was pretty cold around here then (which bummed him out greatly) but they did have the Saturday program and Marcus enjoyed his time with that.
Mason turned 7 months in March. We can't believe how time is flying by so fast.
Some of the highlights for him in March were:
- He has one tooth on the bottom that had come up. Although everyone is excited about this, he couldn't care less about it. He's had a rough few nights with the pain plus he's drooling a lot.
-His cough had made it worse for him. It has affected his appetite and his sleeping schedule. All he wanted to do was cuddle with mom. I was happy to oblige during the day but it was a different story at night.
-He is sitting up better this month, not much wobbles and shakes. When he sits up, we offer him some balls and easy to grab toys.
-We found a walker for him at our local Goodwill and he has enjoyed that as well. I put him in his new toy usually during dinner prep time. He likes the idea that he can scoot himself around with the walker.
-He is starting to have preference with his food. He doesn't like anything green (green peas and beans) and would move his hands onto his mouth to cover it when I'm trying to feed it to him. He also prefers table food more than his baby food. Some nights I would compromise with him and give him a little piece of my dinner and then serve him a spoonful of his food right after. Some nights it works and on other nights he catches onto my trick fast.
-As for firsts, he got to play in the pool for the first time this month. During the kids' spring break we went to our local indoor pool and I sat him close to the edge of the water. He was intrigued at first but when I scooted him closer to the small waves, he didn't like it.
So there you have it. A little snippet of what's going on around here. Thanks for stopping by and till next time....