
Monday, January 21, 2013

Cards with the Notebook Collection *My Little Shoebox*

Hi there. Did you know that besides this day being Martin Luther King day, it's also "give a hug day"? It is! According to Family Fun magazine anyways. So make sure you give someone a big hug today. Let's 'embrace' this special day. Get it? hahahaha, that's my attempt at trying to be humorous. *Wink*
So, today I'm showing off my January projects for My Little Shoebox. I was assigned to create five cards using the Notebook line. I love the vintage and sweet feel of this collection. 


I Miss U

Make a Wish

Time To Celebrate

You are the best

Thank you for stopping by and I hope you've enjoyed my card share today. You can learn more about these cards in the My Little Shoebox blog in this post. 

Till next time,

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