
Friday, January 18, 2013

California trip top 10

Hi there friends. You know that idea I had in the beginning of the year of "simplifying my life"? That doesn't seem to be happening for me lately. There's too many things going on. Between going back to school, church calling, helping my kids with their school projects and keeping the home clean and stocked up with's hard to stay sane. Goodness! (breath Grace, just take deep breaths!)
Ok so now that's off my chest, let's get this post going shall we?
I know I've promised to share some highlights and photos of our trip to California for the Holiday break. I have to admit that I didn't take as much photos as I had planned to but I guess that's ok because that meant that I was "experiencing" my vacation instead of just being a bystander to it.
Before I start the photo roll, I just want to say that although I'm inspired by the views in Colorado and I've made some great friends here....California would still be my home and I couldn't help but be sad when we had to leave. Not only is the family there but the memories that I've built there in the 10+ years that I've lived there cannot be easily replaced by Colorado memories.
Ok so here's a look back at our trip...
1. The picture above is showing us driving away from Colorado and all it's beautiful mountains to arrive in a mountain less but full of wide freeway Southern California. Oh how I've missed driving at 70mph on the freeway. :) Another thing I've enjoyed their was the weather. Colorado had a white Christmas but to be honest, I was happier with wet California than snow cold Colorado.

2. One of the priorities of the trip was to visit our favorite SoCal eateries. Oh how I've missed In N Out, Korean BBQ and authentic Mexican and Chinese food. Ooohh, I'm longing for them already!

3. I got to visit one of my favorite stores...Fabric Barn. They are a wholesale place chock full of party supplies, fabric and my favorite.....ribbon! I didn't get much as my budget wasn't big but just being in there makes this crafty girl oh so happy!!!
4. We got to visit our "old stomping ground". We met some friends at Heritage Park and the kids and I stopped by the Cerritos Library. It's interesting how just two years ago, we go to these places at least once a week. Mitch and I also drove by our old home and visited with some neighbors.
5. We got to stop by a local neighborhood who lights up their front yards with beautiful Christmas decorations and lights. I had forgotten the specific address for this so I'm glad that I got to talk to a good friend that shared with me the driving directions to it.
6. It's so nice to go back home and be reminded of our childhood memories through our mother's cooking. My parents made some delicious authentic Filipino food and my mother in law made some of her own specialties like the Belgian Waffles pictured above which she made on Christmas day.
7. Nothing says "family sticking together" than having the same brand of camera. Here's me and my brothers (yes they are both younger than me and yet have passed me on the height area) with our Nikon cameras. Fun times!
8. We attended my niece's baptism while in town. Mitch even gave one of the talks. It's great to be with family during celebrations like these. This year Maddie will be baptized and I'm crossing my fingers that we can have some family members present for that one too.
9. Although I had all intentions to visit each and every friend I hold close to my heart during this trip, it was just not feasible BUT I'm glad that I got to see some and visiting with them was the "icing on the cake".  These ladies are more than friends...they are my sisters. :)
10. and of course...the main reason why I keep coming back to California....FAMILY! They are the reason why part of me wants to stay there. We had a great time with them. Mitch's family is three times bigger than mine and we did take a photo of them too but because of my fear of exposing my beautiful nieces and nephews without their consent, I've chosen to just email their parents' those images.
With all the changes happening with my little family, I'm not sure when we can come back to visit again which made this trip even more special and memorable. Till  next time Cali!
Thank you for stopping by.
Till next time,

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