
Friday, January 8, 2010

My 2010 vision

Happy Friday. Finally this week is coming to a close. It has been very productive for me (will show new creations later on) but it also has been very emotional for me. For some reason, the idea of looking forward and being optimistic for this coming year has been a struggle. I'm not one to unload every little detail in public so we'll just leave it at that.

But with every negative issue that I had to tackle, I did eventually come to a realization of what my vision SHOULD be for this year and it is......

Every year since 08, I've been creating a "mantra" or vision for what I want my mindframe for that year to be.

In 08 it was this.... then last year it was this.......and then after listing many phrases that I thought would both inspire and ignite a positive tone for me I settled it with the phrase...

"my BEST is good enough!"

This one resonated so much to me because right now I have a lot on my plate. I furthered my "soul searching" and realized that I LOVE every aspect of my life. I love that I am contributing to the world in all sorts of ways and although at times there is so much to do, I still enjoy each and every part of it.

But then I still complained! Why was that? I wonder. Then it hit me.......I'm the one putting all the "stress" on myself. I keep on putting this pretty PERFECT picture in my head of what things are supposed to look, how activities are supposed to run and how I'm supposed to act/speak/feel/and think. Then did I realize that the pressure was all internal.

I've been making a frame of my mantra since the time I started it in 08. I like to display this in my scrapbook room so when I'm in the middle of chaos and negativity, I can always look at it and get that boost of energy and positive vibes that I need to move on. It has worked so far.

Keeping with the simple and "doing my best under the circumstances" mode, I didn't stress out about how I'm going to present my new "words to live by" phrase. I just designed the statement in photoshop, printed it off and added a few embellishments. These products are from the Artsy Urban collection of GCD Studios.

For some reason, I've been gravitating onto that collection a lot. I love the artsy feel but also all the inspiring quotes that some of the products have. I especially love the butterflies that I used here. It reminds me of my capability to soar, if I just believe and do the "best" I can.

So that's that! 2010 will be the year that I let go of some personal expectations and really strive to be happy with giving the best that I can. Because after all...... Spilled milk can always be wiped down but a life that's wasted on stress can never be replaced.

Thank you all for your support and till next time,

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing the amount of pressure we can put on ourselves. I'm glad you've found your stress-relieving vision!
