
Saturday, May 9, 2009

Weekend ramblings

ok so this week went way too fast! I couldn't believe it's Saturday already!

First off in my ramblings today......Woohooo! I won the ad challenge at American Crafts blog. So flippin' excited about that. Read the announcement here. They have a new one up too and I can't wait to try it out. Those stamps looks awesome.

Next on the agenda is a little update on the kitchen remodeling "saga". Yes, I called it saga cause I feel like it's been in construction way too long and that there's so many other stories connected to said construction that it merits the word "saga". And also that word (to me) denotes that it hasn't ended yet, therefore again, it should have that word in it.

Ok so much for that corny introduction.... So far, Mitch has accomplished....
1. getting all the pipes changed to copper
2. changed our water heater
3. finished all the electrical rewiring for the kitchen

oh plus in the middle of the rewiring we found out that we had termite problems so we got that taken cared of as well.

As of today we have purchased the following...
1. cabinets
2. granite countertop (woohoo!)
3. dishwasher
all just waiting to be put in place.

Now he's working on putting dry wall. He had to open up a space between the kitchen and the bathroom where we will put the refrigerator, he made just a few adjustments on it and now he's closing it up again. Everything's going ok (I think) and slowly! Yes I promised myself I won't make this a whining post again so I'd leave it to that. I have to say though that I'm so grateful for a husband that would give up all of his free time to work on our kitchen. My man is looking a little lighter lately and it's not because I'm not feeding him. We're all just pluggin along. I promise I'll take pictures soon.

and finally to all my mother blog readers....

Happy Mother's day. May you all feel the great appreciation we all have for you. To all my mothers (mother, mother in law, aunts, sisters, grandmother, girlfriends, and all the women who have been a mother to me) thank you, thank you, thank you.

Now I leave you with this quote that I stumbled upon while going through my old blog posts yesterday....
Julie B. Beck, Relief Society general president:
“Female roles did not begin on earth, and they do not end here. A woman who treasures motherhood on earth will treasure motherhood in the world to come, and ‘where [her] treasure is, there will [her] heart be also’ (Matthew 6:21).
Read the whole post here.

Have a great weekend everyone and till next time,

1 comment:

  1. Happy Mother's Day, Grace!!

    And congratulations on winning the challenge! *huggies*
