
Monday, February 23, 2015

Book Review- How Successful People Grow

Hi there friends. For this month's book review, I decided to share How Successful People Grow by John C. Maxwell. I got this book at the library in January. I signed up for their adult reading program (I don't know why don't do it in the summer though) and picked this one up mainly because it was a small book. I know it sounds like I'm cheating but if I had to read 8 books in a span of a month, I might as well be smart about my choices, right? 

Anyways, after a few chapters of the book, I am glad that I picked it up, even if it's for the wrong reasons. Since my one little word this year is LEARN, I thought this book will be perfect as I work on my OLW. 

This book is very inspirational and after each chapter, the author gives you some "challenges" to quickly apply what you've learned in that part of the book to whatever you wanted to be successful in. I feel like this book can be used by any one, in any field. 

Some of the things I jotted down from this book are:
"Creativity comes at the end of your comfort zone."

"Borrowed beliefs have no passion, therefore no power."

and when learning something new, I need to ask the following questions:
Where can I use this?
When can I use this?
Who needs to know this?

Good stuff, huh?

So I hope you enjoyed my book pick and review for this month. As always, I am not being paid to say any of these things. These are just my personal opinion on the books that I read. 

Thanks for stopping by. 

Till next time,

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