
Monday, November 3, 2014

October Family Update

Hi friends. Well it's November already and that means this update is a bit late but it's better late than never. Right?

We started off the month celebrating Maddie's 9th birthday. Her special day fell on a Saturday and the family had a busy day so we didn't get to celebrate her birthday till that night. We went to Itz which is a pizza and gaming place.  Then the following day, after dinner, we had her blow the candles from her Key Lime Pie. Why pie, you ask? Well that's what she wanted.  And I'm not complaining cause all I had to do was buy the frozen pie from the store, thaw it and stick candles over it. Hey if all my kids are gonna be this easy to please, this mama's life would be breezy. 

I added the last photo in the collage because that's how Mason has been with all of our adventures lately. He just sleeps in his car seat/stroller/baby sling. Such as easy baby when we are out. There was only one time that he cried and that was when I was doing some grocery shopping. But thankfully I was almost done so it was not that hard to hold him while I get the rest of the items on my list.

This month, the kids had some days off because of parent teacher conference. On the 17th of the month everyone was home (kids didn't have school and it was Mitch's day off) so we went for a hike. It was an easy path since that was my request. I'm still using the excuse that I just had a baby so I didn't want anything too difficult. It was technically Mason's first hike. The above collage are some photos that I took from that trip.
One thing that I wanted to add is that all the photos from this collage was taken from my phone. I now belong to the smart phone user group and I love it. I know it took a while but I really didn't see the need till recently. The main reason I wanted to upgrade was because of having a good quality camera on hand everywhere I go and I did some research and for the budget that I had plus what I needed, the Samsung Galaxy S3 fit the bill. Now I have a camera everywhere I go. Don't get me wrong, I still love my big DSLR and use it often but the convenience of having a lightweight camera on me all the time was what got me to switch and I'm very pleased with the quality of the camera on this phone. I haven't printed these photos yet and I'll let you know if my feelings change once I do that.

Halloween falls in October as well and this year nobody wanted to be part of a group costume so everyone did their own thing. Marcus wanted to be the grim reaper so we took the cloak that I made him from this costume and then made a slythe using cardboard, foil and a walking stick. Maddie originally wanted to be Madelyn Hatter but after reviewing some how to videos on how to make our own, i was overwhelmed. Thankfully she was fine just diving into her clothes and make something out of it. She ended up wearing her baptism dress (see more of that here) and then I made a veil and a bouquet to make her a princess bride. I was originally thinking of making something for Mason but after seeing the penquin suit at the thrift store for $3, I knew that's the easy route. And doesn't he look adorable in it?

And finally our little man turned 2 months in October. Some highlights would be:
1. He had his baby blessing this month. We had daddy give the blessing and unfortunately family wasn't able to come. But we still felt so loved by the friends that have come out and supported us.
2. He is growing like a weed. In his 2 month check up he weighed 11 lbs and 3 oz plus 23" in length.
3. Still not sleeping through the night. I'm not sure if it's because we are sleepy but it seems like he cries louder at night than during the day time.
4. I was concerned at his vision cause he always just likes to look up but this month, he started showing some attention. I would come up really close to his face and he would give me a half smile and babbles as well. We can't wait till he gets more interactive with us.

So that's it. Thanks for stopping by.

Till next time,

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