
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

July Family Update

Hello friends. I know this is a bit late but it's better late than never. Right?!

Anyways, earlier in the month of July we went on a big road trip. We spent 11 days seeing sights and then visiting with family in Southern California. I didn't blog about it but did put pictures on my Facebook account. If you are a friend of mine there, you've seen the fun we had.

Today I'd like to share what we've been up to for the rest of the month of July. 

We got back from our SoCal trip in the middle of the second week of July. That weekend we went to our annual trip to Pirate's Cove. We were supposed to go with Mitch's friend and his kids but he cancelled on us last minute. We didn't know when we will be able to reschedule so we decided to go on our own instead. The weather was great. It wasn't too cold nor too hot and we left just before the afternoon showers came. Here are some shots from that trip...

After Pirate's Cove, we stopped by our favorite mall in Denver to get some birthday gifts for me and Marcus. As we were driving back to the Springs we were hit by some major rain. We would later find out that there was a major rain cell that fell in our area that afternoon and caused our family room to be flooded. Thankfully we were able to repair the damages on our own and our room was back to normal in a matter of days. 

The next "celebration" we had for July was my birthday. It fell on a Monday this year and a good friend treated me to a homemade brunch at the park and sometime to work on homework while she took my kids for the afternoon. I'm telling you, I am very lucky to be surrounded by great friends. That night, Mitch let me pick a pie at Village Inn. I got the rhubarb/strawberry pie cause it sounded yummy.

We had it for dessert and although I'm not the best pie cutter, and it doesn't look that appetizing, it was delicious. Especially matched with some ice cream. 

That same week, on Mitch's day off, the family took a trip to Tucano's Brazilian restaurant. Since Marcus and me share a birthday month, we are able to eat here for free. It's the only time we eat here since they are kinda pricey. We had lunch here and ate lots of meat that everyone was still full at dinner time.

Marcus especially like this restaurant cause he can get as much meat as he wants. He's going through some kind of growth spurt because I was surprised at how much he was able to eat. We were all giving up and he was still going. Where is he putting all of that food?

Me and Maddie. Oh and this little girl begged to get her hair cut when we got back from our trip so I cut her hair. On the day she asked there was no deal to be had at the hair salons in the area so I asked if I could just cut her hair and she agreed. I guess she really wanted the short hair that she didn't mind mom doing the job for her.

The day after our Tucano's lunch was Marcus' birthday. We had a couple of friends over for lunch and then he got to open his presents. He got to pick most of his presents (since he got birthday money from his grandparents) and was anxiously waiting to open them up.

I asked him what kind of cake he wanted and his request was a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. We got a frosting pack with sprinkles and that's what we added to put some color in the otherwise all brown cake.

Here's the birthday boy right after blowing his candles.

And here's Marcus grinning with excitement to open up his gifts. After that he got to spend a few hours playing with his new toys/games along with a friend. Over all it was a great day to be 11!

And here's a random photo I saw in my camera. I got some face mask at Forever 21 and Maddie and I did a spa night. We look scary and unhappy but if you've ever done these face masks you know that you can't really smile once it hardens on your face. Just one of the things that I get to share with my girly girl!

And finally a "preggo" shot of me. I believe this was at 33 weeks. We are less than a month away from meeting our little man and I am super excited. We don't know how the dynamics of our family will change but we are ready for it.

So there you have it. Thanks for stopping by and who knows....maybe our August Family update might just include a newborn picture of our little man. Who knows!

till next time,

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