
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Project 365 version 2014

So in 2012, I took on the challenge of capturing a photo each day. I did good for about half of the year and fizzled out at about September- October. Then because I felt like a failure in it, I took a break in 2013. Halfway through the year, I looked back at all of the images that I've captured and part of me felt like, although it was not as successful as I hoped it would be, it was still pretty priceless. Imagine being able to go back to your year through 365 different images, how cool is that? 

So with that I'm committed to see this year through with photos. I am getting back in the saddle and tackling Project 365 once again. Before I jumped in the bandwagon, I decided that this time, I will do some research in hopes that 2014 will be more successful. With my research (mostly through Pinterest) I found a few sites and links that I thought is worthy to share and pass along to my fellow Project 365-ers...

You know the saying "there's an app for that"? Well it truly is interesting to note that there IS REALLY an app for everything. There's an application that you can download on your phones that will allow you to organize your images for project 365. I personally don't know if I'm going to use this as I intend to use my dslr with capturing this year's images but the app sounds really cook. 
One of my goals for project 365 is to get better at my photography skills. And I think being able to create an image that is different from the prior days/weeks/months will be the big challenge here. That's why this link for tips was a great one. I will definitely take them into account when I'm lacking ideas and inspiration. 

Here's another link with ideas on what to photograph during the course of the year. I love the "selfie" tip. That's one of my goals this year. I am hardly in our photos because I'm always behind the camera. 

What's cool about this project is that it has become such a big part of people's lives that there's even a website dedicated to it. A quick look at this site and you will find some neat ideas and monthly challenges to help you along with your photo journey. 

And finally a quote for you (and mostly for me) to remember that it's not in the finish line that we find the's in the journey.

So now that I've shared with you my goal and how I will try to achieve it, I want to know.....are you doing some kind of project 365 this year as well? We need to create a "support group" *wink*

Till next time,

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