
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Our gingerbread house this year...

Decorating a gingerbread house is one of our favorite holiday traditions. Here's a look at our gingerbread house in 2009 and in 2011. There have been years where I would post them on the blog and some that I don't get around to it but we do this activity every December. This year we bought our kit at Costco. We can't seem to find a pack that doesn't have the house already put together. I looked at Walmart, Costco and even Bed, Bath and Beyond. 

Anyways, this year we did as our activity for Family Home Evening (weekly family night). I took pictures while Mitch put the frosting on the house and the kids placed the candies over them. 

This particular kit had some red fondant which I rolled out and cut into squares to be part of the roof shingles. The kids' couldn't wait to dive into the leftover fondant. We were trying to pattern our house from one of the samples on the box.

Here's the finished house...
Mitch did a great job adding the frosting while the kids added the candies. This kit had a premade wreath which was super cute hanging on the front of the house.

The kit even had some gingerbread man and one Christmas tree cookie and each of us got to decorate that as well.
All in all, it's been a good activity. Now the problem is to keep the kids from trying to nibble onto the house. They are already pestering us and asking every single day when they can eat their gingerbread man and house. Let's see how long they can resist. :)

Till next time,

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