
Friday, November 29, 2013

Sunday Family Walks

Hi there friends. I hope my American friends all had a great Thanksgiving day yesterday. I'm stuffed after having a wonderful turkey meal with friends and I have been eyeing all the deals for today. But before I go and "shop till I drop", I wanted to share with you an activity that our family recently started doing on walk.

Because we believe that Sundays need to be a time for rest and worship, we do not allow the kids to watch TV or play video games. Apart from attending our church meetings, each member of the family also writes in our individual journals. As you can imagine, it's a bit of a challenge for the kids to enjoy the day because they get "stir crazy" not being able to do the same things they do on the other days of the week. This affects us, the parents as well because they play inside the house and it gets really loud that we can't feel the peace and it just makes everyone a bit on the edge. 

So to remedy the brewing contention (and also to get some exercise) we have been trying to go on afternoon walks with the kids. This has been a refreshing activity that the whole family seem to enjoy. Plus the time together makes it easy for us to catch up with each other. Here are some images I captured from one of our Sunday walks....
 The route we take is a trail that leads to one of the nearby parks. It takes us about an hour to leisurely walk the trail and I believe it's about 2 miles.

and here's the lovely view of Pikes Peak that we get to take in every time....
 I'm sure that we will need to find an alternative activity once the winter season hits. There might be days where there are snow on the ground and bitterly cold weather. We will see. But for now, we are enjoying our Sunday family walks.

What about you, what are your favorite family activities to do on Sundays?

Till next time,

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