
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Halloween Recap

I know this is kind of a late post regarding Halloween since it's the 6th day of November already, but bear with me with the delay. I have some family members that check up on our latest stories through this blog and this is my only way of sharing with them what's going on in our home.

The day before Halloween we created our Jack-o-lanterns. We had the kids drew the kinds of faces they want their "jacks" to have and then Mitch and I carved it. We also made the kids help out get all of the seeds and innards of the pumpkin out. It sure was a messy job.

Here's Marcus' jack-o-lantern. Like I mentioned before, we gave them the sharpie and they went to town with their sketch so you can still see the outline of the face in these carved pumpkins.

Here's Maddie's pumpkin. I carved hers and while doing the mouth, totally messed up and accidentally cut out most of the jagged teeth except one, leaving this jack-o-lantern to look toothless. Oooppps! Thankfully Maddie was not too upset about my mistake. 

On Halloween, the kids had their respective class parties in the afternoon. I was busy jumping from one class to another that I didn't get any picture of that activity. 

That night we went around our area trick or treating. We walked with our dear friends, the S family and had a blast. The kids definitely got a lot of candies. Here's a look at their loot after we went through it...

We bought a big bag of candies to give out but because Mitch and I both walked with the kids, we didn't get to give them all out. I guess that means we will have candy ready for Christmas. The problem now is hiding it from the kids so they don't try to eat them all!

What's your favorite Halloween candy?

Till next time,

1 comment:

  1. That's quite a haul! We had such a great time with your wonderful family! Glad you had such a happy
