
Friday, August 2, 2013

Color Combinations

Hi there. It's Friday and I'm ready to p-a-r-t-y! Not really but weekends just seem to bring the party animal in me. *wink*

Ok so lately, I've been a bit obsessed with color combinations. I think it's because I'm looking for something to ignite my creativity and bring some "new" life to my projects. I have always turned to home decor for spot on color combos. Here are some of the hues that I've been really liking lately...

I love the simplicity and chic feel of this combo. The yellow really pops against the muted grays and even the light turquoise tint. I'm thinking this would be great for a card.  

The first thing that stood out to me in this grouping is the polka dots on the chair. That would be a great foundation for a girly page or even an everyday themed page with photos turned into black and white. 

I love, love, love all the circle accents in this collage. The colors are super cute as well. The greens add that rugged feel but the red and orange brings some bold, modern twist to it. The old radio, with it's design, can be a foundation for a card sketch. 

This is b-o-l-d and I love it. The neon yellow and hot pink works well with black and gray as the in between colors. The folded paper treatments for the circles provide great inspiration as well. 

This is a soft color combo that would be perfect for a boy page. It will be easy to journal about "mushy, emotional" things when this color combo is working in the background. 

So there you have it. Some color pairings to inspire you in your next creative pursuits. I know I will. 

Happy Weekend. 

Till next time,

To view more of my favorite color combinations, please visit my board here

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