
Monday, February 25, 2013

1st snow day of 2013

Hi there friends and happy Monday. It's been a winter wonderland around here since Wednesday of last week. We had a record breaking snow Wednesday night which led to our first snow day of the year on Thursday. That meant that the kids didn't have school, we were able to sleep in and enjoy a day indoors and a little time outdoors playing in the snow. Here are some of the photos I captured on Snow day.....
the photo above is of our backyard deck. As you can see from the railings of the deck, there's quite some snow on the ground. Snow looks really pretty when it hasn't been touched. So serene!
I wanted to see just how much came down in our area so I stuck a ruler on my deck and it came to about 6 1/2". There are parts of town that got over 7".
About noon, we went out and I let the kids play in the snow while I tried to shovel and sweep our driveway....

So that's our snow day. We had another storm yesterday and two more forcasted for this week. I love looking at snow and sometimes even playing in it but I HATE driving in it. Luckily I've done my grocery shopping and the kids' school is just on the other side of my street so there's really no need to be driving anywhere.
How about you? What's the weather looking like in your side of the world today?I hope you all have a great week.
Till next time,

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