
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Diaper cake tutorial

Happy Wednesday everyone. Do you have a go-to gift for baby showers? I've done many things before, especially ones that I can incorporate my creativity with but I have to say that my "comfort zone" gift would have to be a diaper cake! It's practical and an easy gift to put together. I can do this while watching a good movie or show. 

I recently made one for a baby shower that my family and I attended and since I was making it, I decided to take pictures of the process to share my tutorial with my blog friends. Hope this will help someone that's looking for that unique gift.

1. First off all, you gather your supplies. You'll need:
a pack of diaper (for a three tier cake, you'll need at least 36 1-2 size diapers)
Cardboard or cake round
1 1/2 yards of tulle (you can designate the color for the sex of the baby. ie pink for girl, blue for boy)
2-3" ribbon
baby toy
clear tape
curling ribbon

2. You can use a cake round but if you're cheap (or like me have tons of cardboard already on hand) you can trace a round shape on the cardboard, cut it out and then add the doily on top. 

3. Open up a diaper and roll it. Secure it with tape. Do this for about 20-24 pieces of diaper. 

4. After you've rolled about 24 of them, you can wrap this bundle with curling ribbon. Form it into a round. 

5. Repeat step 3 and 4 for the other two smaller tiers. *you will be the one to pick the number of diapers in each tier. For this cake, I had 50 diapers and so I made the largest round with 24, the middle had 15 and the top one has 11.

6. Next wrap ribbon around the cake rounds to cover the curling ribbon. Fold the end and pin to secure. 

7. Wrap the whole cake with tulle. Gather the ends on the top and tie the ends with more curling ribbon. Make the ribbon longer so you can tie the toy with it. Trim the extra tulle on the top of the diaper cake. 

8. Wrap more ribbon on the top of the cake and tie the ends into a bow. Add the toy. 

And now your diaper cake is ready to give. Just make sure that you're careful when transporting this gift as the tiers are not adhered to each other and they can easily move around. 

Thanks for stopping by.

Till next time,

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