
Monday, November 19, 2012

Quotes to inspire

Hello friends. This week I'm taking a short vacay again from blogging. Kids have the whole week off from school, Thanksgiving is right around the corner and unfortunately I have 22 chapters that I need to read and study for school (the last one bums me out tremendously) so blogging will have to take a back step.
But before I leave, let me share with you some of my latest favortie quotes. One of my most filled boards in my Pinterest is my Words/Quotes board. If you wanna see more of the inspiring words I've saved in there for future inspiration, you may click here.

I picked this one last since we are in the month of remembering gratitude and all that we are thankful for....

so that's it for me this week.

I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy the turkey and stay safe shopping on Black Friday. :)

Till next time,

1 comment:

  1. Lovely quotes - I've been collecting them to print out for the thankful album I'm doing with my family and didn't have a couple here. Thanks :)
