
Friday, July 6, 2012

Perfect Pancakes + an early birthday present for me

Happy Friday everyone. Hope you all had a great Fourth of July holiday and Canada day. We had some great reasons to celebrate this week and I hope you captures the festivities through photos that you will later document in a scrapbook or journal.

Today's Food Friday share is a breakfast item. I haven't shared any for that meal so I decided that today is the day that I'd entice you with a breakfast dish. And what is the most known breakfast item than PANCAKES!!!

I got this recipe from Pinterest. If you wish to see my many Pinterest boards or to follow me there, you can always click the red Pinterest button on my side bar >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

In the last year, I've been slowly trying out all sorts of pancake and waffle recipes in the search of the "best" one and I have to say that this one tops the list. It's simple, hearty and the recipe yields a TON so I have leftovers for another meal.

I like to serve it with turkey bacon (cheaper and healthier than the regular ones) and fresh fruit. I've also served with both homemade syrup (super easy) and store bought one, both compliment the pancakes just fine. One note though....butter makes a big difference in the recipe. I've used both butter and margarine with this recipe and the batch with butter really stands out. There's something about the real deal that you can totally notice!

So that's it and I hope you enjoy our food share today.

So onto some totally different topic....July marks another birthday for me (July 14 to be exact) and although I'm getting too old to be announcing my birthday to the world, I am however happy when I get gifts. *wink* Especially the one that I've been searching for for months.

That's right....I got me a PIANO!!! Ok so a little bit of history on this.....I have been a big piano fan forever. I even took piano lessons when I was 14. Didn't get far because a. when I moved back to the Philipppines, we didn't have a piano where I could practice on and b. teenage years caught up with me and I was more concerned with those silly things that most teenage girls worry about like boys, clothes and other nonsense. *wink*

Fast forward to now where I'm married and have kids....and I started feeling like my home NEEDED a piano. Yes, it wasn't a thought that "oh that might be good to have in the home"...oh no! It was that we HAD TO HAVE it in our home sort of feeling. I had this strong impression that our home would be much better with the gift of music in it. Family Home Evenings were just not right without live piano playing accompanying us during our singing time.

So six months ago (yes you read it right, this has been a long search for me) I started scouring Craig's list for piano deals. There were deals to be had but not the right one for us. I even tried a few of those "free piano but you haul it yourself" deals but would always be late to grab the deal. So last Monday, I came back to Craigslist (like I always do) and BAM....a newly posted Piano deal popped up. Piano without a bench and you haul for $50!!!

I clicked on it and saw the photos and my heart started beating fast. I quickly ran to Mitch and told him the deal and he said to call and we'll check it out. So Tuesday came, went and drove south to check it out and after a few hurdles getting it transported home, we finally have a PIANO in our home!!!

Definitely one of the greatest gifts I have received in a while. Our neighbors are probably annoyed at our inexperienced Piano playing which I'm sure can be heard for yards and yards away but right now we are happy. I'm slightly teaching the kids little bits here and there as well and it has been great.

We still need to get it tuned and we were lucky that the old owners have already done the calling for us and found the best deal/tuning guy in the area. :)

So that's my story for today. Hope you all have a great weekend. I know I will. *wink*

Till next time,


  1. This pancakes looks perfect for real! I love to make them because i can make them i so much combinations!

  2. Happy Early Bday! And congrats on the piano. I'll have to try out PW's pancakes too! We love pancakes around here!!! :)

  3. Pancakes seem yummy.... and piano is wonderful gift , hope you love to play piano Send gifts to Pakistan from UK .
