
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Marcus' 9th birthday recap

One of the fun parts of my birthdays from now on is that after three days, we get to celebrate another birthday in the family and that's for Marcus! I still can't believe he is 9 now and I love, love, love it that we share a birthday month. Just makes the celebrations even better when I can share it with my son. :)

So exactly a week ago was his big day. The day before, we got him a couple of gifts that he had wished for with birthday money from us and Lolo and Lola. I wrapped it up Monday night and here's what he woke up to...

I made him suffer a bit till he can open his gifts cause we waited for Dad to come home from school at noon before he was able to unwrap one of his toys. He was a great sport though and I'm so proud of him for waiting all that time. It was nice that he got phone calls from grandparents during the morning that it took his attention away from waiting for a bit.

I had some coupons for this place so we went there as a family for lunch and arcade games for the kids.

One of the planned coupons that we were going to use was the free kid's meal that the kids have because of participating at the Summer Reading program at the Library. Unfortunately bec. they were already having a Tuesday meal deal that day, they couldn't honor our coupons. Bummer! threw my budget calculations off but we still decided to do it since it's not going to be a big difference from the number that I've planned on spending.
This is us eating our buffet meal. During our meal, Grandma Tolman called and he got to talk to her too. It was nice to have Mitch with us too. It's been a while since we've done anything with him bec. he's so busy with school. The kids ate their favorite- Pizza! While Mitch and I tested the salads, pastas and pizza too.
After stuffing ourselves with food, we walked into the game room and the kids got to play a few games. I love that the kids were being conscious at which game they spend their points/money on. They weren't quick to waste it.They didn't even do the rides bec. it will take away half of their points. Love that the kids are growing up to be sensible of what they have.

He sure gave this game all of his energy and it paid off! He got 9 tickets!

After the IT'Z, we went back home and he got to open his other gift...Lego Batman 2 for the Wii. It was an expensive gift but that's what he really wanted so we got it for him. One of the things I love about having a 9 year old child, is that you can explain to him why he's getting only x number of gifts this year versus the years past bec. his gift requests are getting more and more expensive. He didn't complain at all and instead, immersed himself at his new game for the rest of the afternoon.

After dinner we had his birthday cake and ice cream. I always ask the kids what kind of cake they wanted and this year Marcus seems to be wanting the same thing as last year. The only difference is that this one was a rectangle cake and last year's was a round one. Ok so I know the cake looks horrible but I was in a tight budget to purchase one nor did I have the mental power/capacity to make my own fondant cake. These are the times when I wished I still lived by a great friend that does cakes so I can just call on  her. :)

and the birthday boy making his wish and blowing out the candles. The great thing about this year's cake is that I didn't forget the candles and he had 9 to blow out. This just shows that I learn from my mistakes. LOL.

So that's it. Thanks for stopping by and sharing my recap of my son's 9th birthday.

Till next time,

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