
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter outfits 2012

This year's outfit all started with Maddie's skirt. It was my only fabric that had enough yardage to complete a skirt plus a color that's close enough with the season. Hence the orange theme going on with all of our attires. This was taken right after church.

Like I said, I wanted to sew Maddie a skirt and because it turned out cute enough (it only took me 5 hours to make it!) I decided that it would be my foundation to build everyone's outfits from. Luckily I had a few more scraps leftover from the skirt that I was able to sew Marcus a tie. For Mitch, I just bought him a tie with some orange on it (scored one at Ross in the clearance section) and for me, I shopped my closet. Thankfully there was something there that worked!

I love, love, love this photo of him. I can't believe how he's growing up right before my eyes.

and of course my little model.......

I bought some fake flowers at JoAnns then turned them into hair things for me and Maddie plus a flower ring for me. I took some photos during my process and I'll share that as a tutorial next week.

 Loving my blue-eyed man!

and a shot taken with the tripod and a camera remote.

If you are interested in the tie and skirts. Here are the tutorials I used for them. For the tie. For the skirt. If you want to see more of what I've planned on making in the sewing department, you can always check my pinterest sewing board here.

Hope you all had a great Easter.

Till next time,

1 comment:

  1. Super cute skirt...did you sew a ribbon on it too! I like your version better! Did it have a tie at the waist too? Fun! Happy Easter! The pictures turned out nicely!
