
Thursday, February 9, 2012

trying something new as a family

Woohoo for Thursday. I love the ending of the week, it gets me excited at what stories the weekend will bring and what fun adventures I will be enjoying with the family.

Speaking of adventures, last Saturday my family and I tried something new. We went roller skating! Mitch had the grand idea. He wanted us to try something different. At first when he presented the plan to us at the dinner table, I was stunned and I bit scared. I mean, I've never roller skated in my life and only went ice skating once (yes I know I have missed out on a lot of fun stuff growing up but that's my story and there's really nothing I can add to that).

Anyways, so the snow came on Friday and although part of me was hoping that our little "Saturday excursion" would be postponed, I didn't show it. I wanted my kids to be excited to try something new and the only way I can make sure that they were up to the "challenge" was if I was up to it too.

We drove to our local skating place, walked in, paid our admission and skate rentals and I got ready to be either (a) embarass myself infront of my husband, children and strangers or (b)find out that I had a hidden talent in skating that I will yet discover.

Here's some photos that I took in between skating. We had to keep our stuff in a rented locker for safety so I was not able to snap the shutter all the time. Although now that I think about it, maybe that was a better choice so I wouldn't have any photo evidence of how "challenging" this was to me. Hahahahaha!

they were having a TON of birthday parties while we were there and they took a break from the public skating to sing and dance to the birthday celebrants.

and here I am taking a breather from the experience.

Speaking of the experience, here's what we found out...

Mitch CAN still skate despite not doing it since high school. He's not the fastest one out there but he sure can whirl around with just a few falls.

Marcus was resilient! He was falling every other second but I was so amazed and impressed at how he'd come right back up and do it all over again without any frustration, fear or worry. Later on I find out that he had a kid help him and show him the ropes and by the end of our two hour session, he was skating away from the wall. Super!

Maddie was also impressive. She was holding onto the rails a few times in the beginning but by the end she too was skating away from the wall and holding her ground. She was so upset when we had to leave and asked when's the next time we would skate again.

And as for me....well, let's just say that I know my strenghts and weaknesses and although I tried. Really I tried! I didn't leave the wall or the railing the whole time I was in the rink. I was embarassed a few times and fell flat on my bum more times than I can admit to but I wanted my family to see that I really tried and at the end of it...I had fun BUT I know deep down inside of me that skating and me don't mix! Sadly you can't teach this old cat a new trick!

So there you have it. Lesson learned here....always be open to trying new things and Grace and the skates don't mix! *wink*

Till next time,

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