
Friday, February 24, 2012

Field trip to the Fire Station

Valentine's day happen to fall on a Tuesday this year and that meant that Marcus had Cub Scouts. But it was an extra fun meeting because the boys, along with their families, got to visit a local Fire Station. Maddie and I got to tag along on this trip (Mitch had a meeting to attend) and I brought my camera to capture the experience. All of us have never been stepped foot in a Fire Station before so I wanted to document the event. Here are some of the photos I got....if you've read my blog before, you know that I don't like to post photos of other kids in my blog without their parent's permission so the following photos have more things than people. :)

the boys sure had many questions for the Fire Fighters and the generous men answered every question, even if sometimes it was a little silly.

We learned the difference between a Fire engine and truck. We also got to see where the fire fighters eat and sleep when they're on shift.

I feel so blessed to live in an area where Fire Fighters are easily accessible and they are fully equipped and trained to help.

We even got a little demonstration on how the fighters put on their gear. They are expected to put on the shoes and clothes in less than 90 second. The whole night was truly interesting.

So that's our most recent field trip. We've been plagued by cold and snowy weather this past two weekends so we haven't really gone anywhere to explore. I'm sooo looking forward to some Spring time weather soon.

Till next time,

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