
Monday, January 2, 2012

Giveaway winners + new Paper Bakery Sketch

Happy Monday and Happy New Year everyone!!!

I had an amazing Christmas vacation which I spent in California!!! Yes I was super excited when everything fell into place and I was able to spend the holidays with our family back in Cali. I will for sure share photos of our trip but for now lets announce the winners of the giveaway.

First off, I'd like to say thanks to all those that have left their comments and although we had a small number to choose from I had to keep it to two giveaways this time. But don't worry, having more giveaways in the blog is on my list this year and I hope you guys will comment again.

So according to random generator....comment #1 and #3 gets the goodies. Sandra and Beatrice Lawson, please email your snail mail addy to me at graceelainetolmanatyahoodotcom so I can mail your goodies to you.

Thanks guys (along with Cathy and Anita) your comments are greatly appreciated and I will get the technical issues mentioned worked out. I love how through blogging, I'm able to have friends from all over the place like you. ((((big hugs)))) goes out to all of you. :)

Ok so today is the reveal day for my 1st January sketch at Paper Bakery kit. Make sure you check out the post here.

 I went with a simple, minimal sketch this time because I know that there's some simple scrappers out there that would love to participate and here's my take on the sketch...

this page is made with the January Add on kit which will debut on the 15th. The layout shows just a few tidbits of the whole loot but I have to tell you, it's another great kit! Make sure you get your hands on it when it goes on sale. :)

Paper Bakery kit is on the tail end of getting a new site built. I saw some sneek peeks and I have to say, you are going to LOVE Paper Bakery kit's new home!!! We are just days away from it's reveal so stay tune for that.

I hope you will play along with our sketch this time.

Till next time,

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