
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

this is for Grandma Caryol

One thing we sure miss about California is family. The fact that we can't "drive by" to see them anymore is a luxury we sure miss a lot. But thank goodness to internet and blogging, we can still keep them up to date with stuff that's going on around here.

This is especially helpful when we want to show off things to our grandparents like what the kids did with their gifts. :)

Grandma Caryol send some birthday money for Maddie's birthday earlier this month and we took her to the mall and she used up her money (wisely, I have to add) to purchase the following....a Cinderella accesory set (which included a bracelet, earrings and necklace); a little bag with lip gloss, lotion and nail polish and some candy from Rocky Mountain chocolate factory. I was very impressed with how she made sure to divide her money to get all the stuff she wanted, especially the candy. There were other things she was eyeing on but if it didn't leave her any money for candy, she would turn around and forget about it.

On Marcus' baptism in August, he got this pillowcase from Grandma. She also added some crayons so Marcus can personalize it. About a couple of Sundays ago, Marcus finally worked on it. He even got Maddie to work on it too. He was very proud of his coloring and even added his own artwork on the side (some robots)

Now this is a permanent fixture on his bed. He uses it every night and I think that's super sweet.

My kids definitely feel blessed to have such great and loving grandparents. :)

Till next time,


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