
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Home Decor

Feeling the need to add some "craftyness" in your home decor? I have to two projects for you today that I hope will inspire you to add some crafty touches to your home today....

Fall Welcome Wreath

I made this for an assignment for Glue Arts. We were to find an inspiration in Pinterest to base our projects off of. You can see what inspired me to make this plus supplies and project information on this post at the Glue Arts blog.

this was super easy to make and the supplies are not hard to find or purchase. You might even have all of this already sitting in your stash.

Home is where the {heart} is plaque

I scored this wooden plaque at Michael's a few days ago at their clearance section. I got it for 89cents and I knew exactly how I wanted to transform the blank canvas into.

I painted the wood green to give it some pop of color but also to match the color scheme of the papers/products (Doodlebug Design Inc.) I chose to add inside the frame.

the funnest part of this project for me was layering all the elements. I used a lot of foam adhesive to give each layer dimension.

Thanks for stopping by.

Till next time,


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