
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Field Day

Last Friday the kids' school had a Field Day. It was spear headed by the P.E. teacher (which I learned has been in that school since it opened some 30 years ago. Crazy!). It consisted of 6 events that tested the kid's physical abilities and each one of them got a ribbon (1st-6th places) celebrating their achievement.

Before the event, the school had asked for parent volunteers to help out. I wasn't planning on signing up but Marcus begged me. We weren't here last year for this event so I didn't know what to expect but when my son begs, I can't resist!

So sign up I did and boy was that a mistake! Don't get me wrong, I think the event was well planned and my "job" was not hard at all BUT being that I was the only one representing my family, I had a hard time tracking my kids and I missed half of their events. Because I was "working at my station" in the beginning of each rotation, by the time I got to where Marcus or Maddie was playing, they've already gone! Plus there were two of them so I always had to run to each station just to catch up. That was sad for this Mama that wants to capture all the action.

But luckily after the third rotation, I was "relieved" of my duty and was able to track the kids down. Here are some of the shots I got from our Field day...

After six events, Marcus' ribbon tally was....3 2nd place ribbons, 1 3rd place and 2 4th place. Way to go champ!

Here he is gearing up for the "modified" sack race. Mr. Nelson (the P.E. teacher) was explaing that he didn't like how constricting the sacks were for the kids so he invented this combination of tire tube material and rope in replacement of the sacks.

my buddy in action!

jumping to the finish line!

he tied with another boy for 2nd place so they made them run a tie breaker.

as you can see, it was another neck and neck race and Marcus got the 3rd place ribbon for this 40 yard dash event.

So Marcus' wins were all over the place but the biggest surprise of the day was Maddie getting a clean sweep of all the blue ribbons (1st place) Yeah baby!

She was rocking all the events. All the parents I was with was very impressed at how well she played. I was shocked myself. The funny thing was that she was eyeing the 6th place ribbon because it was rainbow in colors. I told her that what she got was the "big prize". Everyone's working hard to get the blue ribbons and she had six!

This was the "cross country" event where they ran around the school property. My 'station' was just around the corner to this and I ran as fast as I could to catch her get to the finish line.

Here she is at the high jump event. They used spoons to mark where each kid landed and as you can see with the text I added to my photo, Maddie had a big difference with the rest of the Kindergarten girls.

and here she is at the trike relay pedaling to the finish line.

I'm so proud of both of them and for the efforts they made. They both truly deserved the ribbons they've recieved. We are planning on framing those ribbons. Mr.Nelson showed us his ribbons from when he was in school and did Field days. I want my kids to have the same memorabilia. I think it will be a great way of building courage and motivation for them.

So that's it. It was a llllooonnnngggg day but well worth it.

Till next time,


1 comment:

  1. Great shots! Sorry you missed so much! (But now you know for next year!)
