
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Spinach Story

You know the quote "kids say the darnest thing!"? Well I have a fun one for you today which will be forever remembered as the "spinach story" in our family....

Last Friday during dinner time....

Dad: Maddie eat your spinach. It will make your hair grow.

After about a minute...

Marcus: Dad, did you eat your spinach when you were little?
Dad: well of course!!
Marcuse: Then howcome you don't have hair on your head?

I busted out laughing and nearly spilled my food out of my mouth.

(for those that are not familiar with my family, my husband is a proud bald man)

Kids definitely bring the spice to life.

And because this post won't be complete without a photo share, here's one fresh from my garden. The plants are slowly producing fruits and here's my first harvest this season....

(radishes, peppers and a tomato)

Till next time,


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