
Sunday, July 17, 2011

8 layout

The celebration continues in the Tolman home because our dear Marcus turned 8 today. This year is a big one for the him and for the whole family because as an LDS we baptize our children at 8. We believe that this is the time when they can be accoutable for their actions. Before that (baby up to 7) we believe that they're too innocent to have their mistakes really be counted against them.

Anyways, our Marcus is getting ready for his baptism which will happen early next month and we are extra excited because family members are coming to witness it.

Yesterday we started our celebration by taking him swimming and a dinner at Chuck E Cheese. I love how simple life is to children. Just a day full of fun and some gifts and they are on top of the clouds.

Today I want to commemorate his birthday by sharing a layout I did recently....


I used some leftover photos of him that I used in his baptism invites.

I got the idea of a q&a type of journaling from a layout I saw at Pinterest. love that site so much! Anyways, I asked him a few questions. Simple ones like what is his fave cereal, toy, tv show and holiday to name a few. I thought this would be a good journaling because I'm sure in a short span of time, the answers to this list would change.

I added his name as the subtitle.

The layout sketch was inspired by the latest sketch at the Pagemaps blog. Love how this layout came out because of ideas that surround me on a regular basis- photos, sketch blogs, pinterest. I don't know what I'd do without these creative prompts.

So that's it. I'm off to continue the celebration with some cake and ice cream.

till next time,


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