
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Program

For the past three months, our little family have been hard at work (ok so mostly me) in preparing our part in our church's Easter Open House. We had set up 7 rooms in our building to represent each day of Jesus' Christ last week here on earth. Our family had Thursday, which included events of the Last Supper and the Prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. Here's a peek of our room.
Disclaimer....Mitch and I did the job of giving the tour to each person that came in the room while the kids helped out in distributing the little treats we made. With that being said, after everything was done, I noticed that I didn't take enough photos of the room. Sorry about that! We'll have to make a mental not to be better at multitasking next time!

Ok so we did get our friend Brandon to take a photo of the family before all the chaos began. While preparing for our room, I really wanted my little family and I to be as close to the period of that moment as possible so I made costumes for all of us. Thank goodness for Goodwill, I was able to score bed sheets, blankets and some curtains to transform into costumes.

I found a great recipe for unleavened bread online and made a big batch for people to try. Our whole vision for this room was to be interactive. We wanted our guests to feel that they actually walking into Jesus' Thursday so we made sure there's things to touch, see, feel and even eat! Oh and I also served grape juice. Why is it not purple you might ask? I got this one at Costco and it was a grape/cherry flavor. I've heard from people though that this was better than the regular grape juice.

I had set up a table to represent the table where Jesus and His disciples have eaten their passover meal and where the sacrament was administered. On the front side of the table (not shown in this photo) I had placed a small stool where I've placed a shallow dish and a towel representing the part of their meal where Jesus' washed His apostles feet. The frame in the middle of the candle pillars had a picture of what a typical passover meal might've included. I spent a lot of time online researching for things for the room. Thank goodness we live in the internet age!

Here's the family during one of our breaks. See the stool by Mitch? That's the one I was talking about. Oh and my dear sweet husband decided two weeks ago that he was going to let his beard grow out for the program. It didn't grow out much but I'm so pleased with his efforts.

and here I am, all dressed in my costume.

We had divided the room into three parts- City walls, Last supper table and the Garden of Gethsemane. We had painted a big mural of a tree as our backdrop and Mitch made a rock out of chicken wire, old sheet and some paint. It looked like a big bean bag.

I'm glad that it's finally over. Nothing wears you out than events like these but also on the other hand, it was all worth it! I learned a lot and I have become closer to my Saviour Jesus Christ because of all the research I had to do for this event.

I'm also very grateful for my family. At first, Mitch was not on board with wearing a costume but at the end, having all the family participate made this activity even better.

Nothing beats family togetherness in everything!

Till next time,


1 comment:

  1. I love your costumes! What an amazing family you have! That's wonderful!
