
Thursday, September 16, 2010


Let me first tell you how I'm loving that BOTH my kids go to school now. It's been 7 years since I've had some time ALL to myself. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids but being able to go to places without a child in tow has been a very rare luxury to me. So when this past Monday came and I dropped off the kids to school, I was left with an unplanned morning. What does this mother do????

Well first I ran. I need to get some exercise because I'm not doing so well in that department for the past few months. I've been avoiding the scale this last month because I know I'd be very sad to see the number on there. But enough of that....

Then after getting cleaned up, I went out to SHOP! I needed a new bed sheet for my bed and thought that it would be the perfect excuse to drive to the store. I went to Marshall's first. I didn't spend a TON on shopping, just bought my sheets and a couple of items that I scored at the clearance section but what I loved about the experience was that I was able to browse EVERY aisle without whining, crying or bored kids. When I left that store, I looked at my watch and I had spend an hour in that store. I couldn't believe it! I usually go in and out of the stores bec. I have the kids. The average time I spent in a store like that is 15 minutes, so you can just imagine how happily surprised I was that I had leisurely shopped for one full hour in there.

Then after that I hopped into Tuesday Morning which was next door and spent another hour there. I didn't get anything there. I'm sure the sales associates were eyeing me when I left. They're probably grumbling something bad because I spent all that time in their store and I didn't purchase anything. But you know what, I really didn't need anything there. I was just very happy to see what they had to offer. Oh BTW, the Tuesday Morning store that I went to had some Making Memories Slice die cut machine for $130. That's a great deal if you are looking for one. *wink*

And then after that I drove to the mall thinking I'll go walk around there but I stopped by this dollar book store (which is just outside of the mall) and was swept away with all the books I saw. I spent another hour there! And before I knew it, it was past lunch time. I had lunch (all by myself) at Pick up Stix and enjoyed that too. I know it was sad that I was by myself but believe me it was a little "happy moment" for me being that when I'm with the kids all they want to eat are burgers, chicken nuggets, pizza and fries. I'm glad to have tasted some "grown up" food for a change.

then after that it was time to pick up Maddie.

After a whole morning of shopping and browsing, here's what I came home with...

Yes even though I was in the stores for about an hour each, I still looked for GOOD bargains. I hope my hubby reads this and is proud of my "self control". LOL.

I'm so happy to have walked in that dollar book store. It's definitely going to be in my favorite shops list. The books are all second hand but the selection was enormous. There were really old books and also some that have been recently released. I picked these three up but I'm sure I'll be back there again soon.

So that's my Mommy story of the day.

Till next time,

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