
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Random four- September edition

Ok so I know that the "Random four" posts went into hiatus for a while there and I was not planning on doing it again because I felt that I've failed on it miserably over the past three months that there's really no point in continuing it. But...I was looking at some older posts last week (pulling pages for publication) and came across some of my previous random four posts and after reading it, I was instantly taken back to that month. Guilt was not at all what I thought I would feel, instead I felt grateful to my "old" self that I took the time to document those random things about my family. So with that being said, I'm shrugging the embarrassment away of not being consistent with this and starting anew. And so I present to you our random fours for the month of September......


1. (he's not going to like me announcing this to the world) He has now started to use reading glasses. He has not officially been to an eye doctor. All he has is one of those reading glasses that you can pick up at the drug store but he feels better reading with it than without it. The strain that he felt before has gone away. He's not happy to loose his 20/20 vision but I still think he's hot even WITH the glasses. *smile*
2. He's been working really hard at his new job which is a Cell site cabinet technician. Totally different field that what he's used and we could not be more proud of him.
3. He bought himself a new (humongous-gas guzzler) truck. It's mainly for his job but in this past month, he has bought so many things for it that it sounds like he has "pimped" his ride.
4. He's been so good at talking on the phone with his wife every night. Something that he's wife was very worried about in the beginning. This guy never really talks to you on the phone unless he needs to tell you something. He doesn't believe in phone chatting and we are happy that he's made us feel less worried because we talk to him on the phone every night.


1. Trying to be a balanced mom. Not too lenient but not always barking at her kids. There's no parental back up so sometimes it's hard not to be seen as the bad guy by the kids.
2. Took up knitting. One of the many things she's venturing to keep herself occupied and less stressed.
3. Got her eyebrows threaded for the very first time today. Gosh it hurt! But she knows that certain beauty can only be achieved with some pain. *LOL*
4. Spruced up the blog, made about 10 layouts, 20 cards, 3 altered projects and 1 mini album this month. It was definitely a creative month!


1. Got bored one day and with the help of mom took up knitting. It's been good for him so he can have something to keep himself busy (he's one of those busy bodied kids) but remaining in one place at a good amount of time.
2. Started 2nd grade this month and he's been good so far. He hates homework (what's new) but he has grown up with his conversations. He loved to talk to mom about his day, even if most of the time Mom can't keep up with the names and the events. He talks to fast too BTW.
3. Did his part at the Primary sacrament program last Sunday and he did well. He said his lines with clarity and diction. We are making progress with the not "being super shy" in front of people part. Woohoo!
4. He's getting good at reading on his own plus he (with the help of the 2nd grade teacher) has learned a new sense of accountability and responsibility. There are times (though far in between) that he would take the initiative to tell mom he needs to do his homework or he needs to read. We are so proud of him.


1. She's a full pledges Kindergartner this month. We believe over all that she likes it. Sometimes (especially during the mornings when Mom has to literally drag her from the bed) she'd say she hates school and kindergarten but when you pick her up from school she's always beaming with joy and proceeds to tell you that she's made some new friends that day. :)
2. Have become a very good artist. She likes to color lately and has taken her sweet time in making it pretty, colorful and she stays in the line for the most part. Very good improvement.
3. Learning a lot of things at school. Lately she's been discovering the more advance shapes like rhombus, pyramid and cylinder. She's gotten good at writing her name, making her abc sounds and even learning her days of the week.
4. Have been obsessed with going to the mall after school. You see, for the whole month of September, Kindergartners have been coming out one hour before the older grades get out so for that whole hour, instead of waiting in our car, she begs for mom to take her to the nearby mall.

So that's it. Thanks for remembering September with us.

Till next time,

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